~Chapter Four~

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Violet's room was perfect. Will had always been jealous of her fluffy pillows and pink duvet his parents would never allow him to have in his own place. Therefore, his friend's room was the next best thing. However, despite the uplifting interior, Violet was particularly upset.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Will asked softly, running a hand through her hair as she lay on his lap on her bed. She shook her head and sighed.

"You should probably go." She sent him a sympathetic smile. "I have to pack for France."

"You're only there for the weekend, right?" Will asked.

She nodded, saying, "I'll be back before you know it, babe." Violet ruffled his curls, and they both got up from their comfortable position on the bed. They walked to the front door together, and Will was reluctant to leave her so upset, but she'd never get any packing done if he were there distracting her.

Will hugged her, then kissed her cheek, "Cheer up, yeah? It's Paris, it's gorgeous."

She shrugged, "I suppose... I'll bring you something back from Gucci."

"Really?" Will's eyes lit up and she laughed, the bright smile that had been missing for a while appearing on her face.

"Of course. Now go before my mom tells me off for not packing," Violet shooed him away and he laughed.

"Tell your mum I'll miss her!" He called and she glared, shutting the door. Will chuckled as he turned the corner, heading to his own home.

"Well hello there." A voice made him jump.

Will rolled his eyes when he saw it was Parker. Of course, it was his brother's douchebag friend. After the night at the bar, Will thought Parker may actually be a nice person, however, hearing the comment he made about their friend being gay totally changed his mind. Now he was definitely classified as a douchebag, and an arsehole and a prick. Even if the boy was gay, he was still a prick.

"What do you want?" Will glared, stopping in his tracks.

"What's with the attitude? I thought we were friends?" He asked confusedly.

"Nope," Will replied, popping the 'p' to prove a point. Their hands reached for the door handle at the same time, and immediately the older boy pulled back, missing the way Will's cheeks turned pink. There was a lingering tingling feeling on his hand where Parker's had brushed his own.

"And Jack's out, so what are you doing here?"

"Jack said he left his hairbrush here, so I had to come pick it up then get a taxi over to his work," Parker explained.

"Wait? He actually got the job?" Will opened the door, silently inviting Parker into the house as he started a conversation with him. At first, he was confused as to why the door wasn't locked because both Jack and Dylan weren't home, but then he looked back out the door and saw Becky's car in the drive, putting him at ease.

"Yep," Parker shook his head. "And now I'm collecting his fucking hairbrush. You'd think they'd have hairbrushes on set, wouldn't you?"

Will laughed and gave Parker a look- like he knew something the other boy didn't, "You see, Jack is specific about his hairbrush. He's had the same one since year ten, and he refuses to use any other one. He claims it's magical. He was probably a diva and just refused to let anyone brush his hair."

"And we're the gay ones?" Parker joked, leaning against the wall as he waited for Will to shut the door.

Will couldn't help but laugh, however then he frowned, "Are you sure about that? You were pretty adamant you weren't gay the other day."

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