~Chapter Twenty One~

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"What the fuck Will?"

What the fuck were they supposed to do now? Fuck. They were in so much shit. Will had no idea how to get out of this one, or if there even was a way out. Ezra just looked at them in shock.

"I-It's not what it looks like," Will quickly got out of the pool, wrapping himself in a towel.

"Then what's going on?" He questioned. Parker followed in Will's footsteps, and the younger boy grabbed a towel for him since he was cold and wet and in his boxers, which was a bit awkward for Ezra to look at.

Will didn't really know how to answer.

"Will and I... Will and I have been fooling around for a few months now," Parker told him the truth, placing a hand on Will's hip. Ezra glanced at it before looking at his cousin, almost as if he needed conformation because he didn't trust Parker. His cousin just nodded and looked down at his feet.

"Please don't tell anyone," Will begged.

"You and Parker? What the fuck? Parker Hayes?" Ezra was stunned. To find out Will was gay was one thing, but to find out he was messing around with Parker of all people was another thing.

"Ouch, okay I didn't realise you people thought that low of me," Parker retracted his arm and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head.

"What do you mean, you people?" Ezra questioned. Will winced, watching Parker's face turn into a scowl.

"Rich cunts who think they're above everyone else," Parker snapped back.

"Did you just call me a cunt?" Ezra stepped forwards.

"Stop it now, both of you," Will interjected, calmly stepping in to stop anything physical taking place. His cousin was the first family member to find out and this was exactly what he dreaded happening. Out of everyone, he thought Ezra might have been the most supportive, but he was just looking at Parker in disgust and now he wasn't sure what to do. What if he decided to tell his brothers? Now that he knew, he could do whatever he wanted with the information.

"I won't tell anyone," Ezra sighed, gulping before he looked at Will who just let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you," Parker flatly said. His eyes were emotionless and his face held no real expression, and the way he was acting was starting to worry Will. "I should go."

"Parker I'm sorry," Will apologised.

"Don't be, I'll see you later," Parker grabbed the rest of his stuff that was laying in a pile on the ground. Hesitantly, he placed a delicate kiss on Will's forehead before walking away.

"Interesting choice, but I support you. You two should come to my party at the lake house, it should be fun. Don't worry, Jack and Dylan aren't coming either so you could probably get away with being seen together," Ezra shrugged.

"You're inviting Parker to your party after he called you a rich cunt?" Will snorted.

"Yes I am, because you like him. I don't know why you like him, but you do, so I'll support you," Ezra told him truthfully.

"Thank you so much, Ezra."


"I'm done, Dylan. We're done. I can't deal with this anymore, it's hurting me, you keep hurting me," Jasmine let a tear roll down her cheek and watched as her boyfriend broke down in front of her. The kitchen floor was covered in shards of glass, pieces of what their relationship once was scattered across the ground like it was meaningless, like everything they'd gone through was for nothing.

"W-We can't be done. You can't just end it. I love you," Dylan begged, his hands bloody and bruised. The girl just looked at him; his exterior was almost as broken as his interior self and there was nothing she could do to fix him.

"I don't love you anymore," Jasmine said brokenly.

"It's because of him! Don't lie to me, it's because of him!" Dylan screamed.


"Tell me the truth right now. Tell me this is because of Parker!"

Jasmine just ducked her head in shame, tears falling out of her eyes relentlessly. All she could hear was Dylan's heavy breathing, and then the sound of more glass smashing. Red dripped to the floor, landing on top of the broken glass silently.

"I'm going now, and I hope you get better," Jasmine gulped.

"Fuck you," Dylan seethed, throwing another glass at the door as it closed behind her.


Will sucked in a breath, the feeling of Parker's lips on his neck was indescribable. His hands were roaming Parker's sculpted body, his fingers dancing over the black ink etched into his tanned skin. And he didn't think he could ever get enough of that feeling: bliss, lust, pleasure, wallowing in the feeling of the boy's hands touching him in places he'd never let anyone touch before.

Clothes were strewn all over the bedroom floor, and the air was hot around them and under the sheets.

"Stay over," Will asked, running his hands through Parker's hair after he finally came up from under the covers. The older boy smiled, softly kissing Will's mouth. Their lips moved together lazily before pulling apart, and Will was in love with the loving look in Parker's eyes. He wasn't sure if he'd seen the boy look this way before, so content and happy. He was always so tense, so quick to shut himself off.

"I can't. I have to be somewhere in the morning," Parker yawned, resting his head on Will's bare chest.

"Oh, where are you going?" Will asked curiously, his hands raking through the older boy's caramel locks, watching as his blue eyes looked up at him.

"It's just to deal with some stuff, nothing you need to worry about," Parker told him, placing a delicate kiss on Will's chest before closing his eyes. He knew he shouldn't worry, Parker was Parker and this was what he was like. However, there was something that was always going to worry him. He didn't like when Parker didn't tell him things. What did he have to 'deal' with?

"No, what do you mean 'deal' with stuff?" Will asked. Parker could sense how tense he was so he sighed, sitting up so he could face the other boy.

"It's nothing to do with you, Will. Just let it go," Parker rolled his eyes.

"Fine," Will said, turning over so he wasn't facing the boy. "It's late, you should probably go."

"You're right," Parker agreed, getting out of bed. Will didn't even spare him a glance when he got changed in front of him, not caring when Parker left without saying another word. It was so easy for them to fall out that he was never surprised when it happened. He knew for a fact that was never going to change, so why would he bother arguing?

A/N: Thank you for reading. Sorry the chapter was short but I'm 17 and overloaded with so much college work it's unbelievable. The next update will be in a few days. If you were confused about the Will and Matthew situation I would recommend going back and reading chapters eleven to thirteen, because I've sorted the issue. Have a lovely day!

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