~Chapter Twenty Four~

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The light shone through the small gap in the curtain, casting over Will's sleeping face. His lips were parted slightly and his eyelashes rested on top of his cheeks delicately. Parker wondered how he ended up in this situation. Ever since the incident he swore to never let himself get close to anyone in this way, but as he stared at the sleeping boy he couldn't help but think about what he would do if Will said no to being his. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed him. He couldn't imagine not seeing him all the time or seeing him with anyone else other than himself. It was selfish, he knew, but he didn't mind being selfish this time. 

However, he knew he had a lot to tell Will. He really didn't want to tell him, and if he could get away with Will never finding out the truth then everything would be okay. The past didn't matter now, he was a different person but he was scared if the boy found out then it would change the way he thought of him. The one person who's opinion he cared about was Will's, so it was extremely important that he never found out. 

All he had to do was keep people quiet and that was what he was good at, so he wasn't worried. Nobody had said a single thing about the incident in at least a year, and if they did there would be consequences. 

Before Parker could worry anymore, Will's eyes were fluttering open and he was yawning and stretching. It took only a moment for his green eyes to lock with the boy watching over him, and as soon as they did his lips curved upwards into a smile. It was returned and Parker leaned down to peck the boy's forehead. He pulled the sheets over their bodies, not liking that they would have to get out of the cosy bed at some point in time. 

"Morning," Will said with a yawn. A shiver went down the older boy's spine, loving the raspy tone of his voice in the morning. Will's eyes shut again, feeling too tired to keep them open. 

Laughing, Parker replied, "Morning angel." 

Will grinned at the nickname, reopening his eyes so he could look at the beautiful boy who just called him an angel. Parker never ceased to amaze him. Instinctively, Will's fingers began to trace the tattoos on the boy's chest. He had always wanted a tattoo, he just wasn't sure what he wanted. He wanted to know the meaning of every tattoo he was tracing, whether it was silly or not. 

"We should probably get out of bed," Will sighed, leaning over to the bedside table to check what time it was on his phone. Seeing it was eleven he let out another exasperated breath, throwing off the covers on his side of the bed. "I'm gonna go see Violet. She can't know you stayed here with me so just wait till I find out what she's doing before you go anywhere."

Will placed a quick kiss on Parker's lips before leaving the room. Violet was only staying in the room next door so it didn't take him long to walk along the hall. The walls were covered in old photos of Ezra's family. Some frames were just him, and others were his brother. He was always jealous of their family. It seemed as if they actually spent time together, and Will would do anything to have a close relationship with his family. All the money in the world couldn't make up for the fact this parents were never there for him. 

He knocked on Violet's door and waited, but there was no answer. She was probably still asleep. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door and immediately regretted it. His mouth fell agape. Yes, Violet was asleep. But so was his cousin. In the same bed. On top of the sheets. With no clothes on. 

"Oh my god," He gasped. "Violet what the fuck?"

Startled, she finally awoke and looked around the room, guilt taking over her face as she saw Ezra lying next to her in the bed. All of last night's antics flooded her memory and she didn't know what to say. 

A moment later Ezra also came to, and as soon as he realised what was happening he was jumping out of the bed and scrambling around the room looking for his clothes. The room itself was a mess, with clothes strewn everywhere and empty liquor bottles on top of cabinets and the coffee table. 

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