~Chapter Forty Seven~

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Dylan had only been to one funeral in his life. It was heart breaking, and he never wanted to experience something like that again. Watching his friends fall apart over Arthur was different to feeling himself break down at Jasmine's funeral. It seemed like more and more people were just disappearing from his life.

All of his family were attending apart from Will, who much to their parents dismay, refused to go. Will didn't know Jasmine that well, though they had hung out once or twice. The news was shocking for them all, and the investigation into who or what started the fire was still ongoing.

Tears poured from Dylan's eyes as he listened to the speaker, though none of his words were being processed as he couldn't focus. Instead he was focused on another family, or another person he should say.

When Parker found out about Jasmine's death it was the last straw for him. The final piece of thread holding him together snapped, and he completely unravelled. Jasmine had always been a good friend, even before they dated and even more so afterwards. Though they managed to convince the world around them that they hated each other, that was far from the truth. Jasmine kept his secret for the longest time, never exposing the fact that he was gay to their friends. And then when the truth finally came out, she still supported him. She also supported his relationship with Will, someone that he never thought he would be in love with, but things never turn out the way you think.

The thought of seeing Will at the funeral made his stomach churn, and he didn't want to break down in front of him. However, as he looked to where the Lockwoods were sat in the church, it broke his heart to see that Will wasn't with them. Was he really too broken to come to the funeral? Had Parker ruined the relationship that Will had with his family. He hoped not, because he still loved and cared for Will. He didn't think he could ever love someone as much as he loved that boy.

After the funeral, there was to be a small gathering at the Calloways' mansion, but Parker wasn't sure whether he should attend or not. Both Xander and his mother were willing to go, but he was afraid of what might happen if he did. Jasmine's family never liked him because he wasn't one of them, he didn't have money like Dylan did, or the same social status as the Lockwoods. However he was always kind to them, even when they refused to accept him.

"Parker you don't have to go if you don't want to," Xander reassuringly told him.

"I do," Parker breathed out. "I owe it to myself, and to Jasmine to go. She was my friend."

Xander nodded, walking out of the church behind Parker and his mum, who had also always been fond of Jasmine.

Things had been tense between Xander and Parker ever since his break up, and he knew that Xander thought he made a mistake with Will. The truth was that he did make a mistake with Will, and he would do anything to take back what he said to the boy the morning he came home. He remembered the way he looked, wrapped in a blanket after spending the night on his couch, just waiting for Parker to return home safely. He remembered the worry that was evidenced by the dark circles underneath his eyes. However what was done, was done. Will deserved so much better than him. Parker had already lost so much, but it was the right thing to do.

"Hayes!" Someone called loudly as he exited the building, and his head whipped around quickly, heart dropping to his feet when he saw Dylan Lockwood approaching him. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Parker stopped walking and decided to face him. "You have some fucking nerve showing your face here," Dylan spat, placing his hands on the other boy's chest to shove him, causing Parker to stumble back.

"Dylan listen, I don't want any trouble," Parker told him quietly, looking around to see if they had disturbed any of the other guests. Now was not the time for them to have a fight. It was disrespectful to Jasmine and her family, and he couldn't show himself up like that.

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