~Chapter Twenty Eight~

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Will's parents had been home a week and he had never spent so much time with them in his life. Every night they would eat their meal as a family, and it would be almost silent bar the sound of their chewing. It was torture. Will felt like he hadn't seen his friends in months, despite it only having been seven days.

Violet hadn't been in school all week, so he had only seen Colton and Jo but even then it was only for forty five minutes everyday. Ever since their parents had found out about Jack's job, they had been nothing but cold towards all of their children, even Dylan who never came out of his room.

But Will could tell they were stressed. He could understand why. You could give children all the money in the world, any object they could ask for, fund them and fulfil all of their materialistic needs, but it wouldn't help in their times of emotional need. He knew that they were struggling with how to deal with this complicated situation. It seemed their kids hadn't turned out the way they had liked them to, but what did they expect when they were left to their own devices their whole lives?

At this moment in time, Will was sat at another awkward family meal prepared by their chef who he felt he hadn't seen in weeks. Before now, he spent most meal times with Parker or his friends. Once again, Dylan had failed to come out of his room and nobody had commented on this. Everyone was unsure about how to approach him after the incident, especially since he wasn't coming clean about what really happened. Though they had taken all necessary precautions, they were all still afraid that Dylan would still find a way to drink.

Just as Will was finishing a bite of his pasta, his mother cleared her throat. This caught both his and Jack's attention, both of them afraid of what she was about to say. Her green eyes landed on her youngest son, who just blinked at her.

"So Will, have you decided what you're doing after school finishes? I have spoken to the Headmasters of both Oxford and Cambridge University, and they are prepared to give you an interview," She informed him. Will gulped.

"I don't think that will be necessary," He responded, looking down at his plate to avoid the irritated look on both of his parents' faces. He knew that this was what they wanted for him, especially since both Dylan and Jack failed to get the grades required to get into any university. Despite them bribing universities into offering their children places, both Jack and Dylan turned them down, so now all academic pressure fell on Will.

"And why not? I thought we had discussed this. I thought you wanted to go to university," His father questioned. He was right; Will had always wanted to go to university, despite his brothers both refusing the offers. However, Oxford and Cambridge weren't his style and he didn't feel like he would enjoy it.

"Of course I want to go to university. I want to go to Columbia, or NYU," He explained. Columbia was an Ivy League university, and it was in New York City which was quite far away, but he really hoped that his parents would be supportive. However the look on their faces said otherwise.

"Columbia, as in New York," His mother gulped.

"Yes," Will said, cringing as he spoke.

"No," His father shortly said.

"What?" Will's eyebrows furrowed.

"There's no way you are going to New York, William," His father repeated.

"Why not? They're both amazing universities with amazing reputations. Maybe if you just looked into them-"

"After everything that has happened here do you really think we would let you move to another country by yourself?" His father laughed incredulously. Will just swallowed the growing lump in his throat and looked at his brother who was giving him a look of sympathy. He knew that something like this would happen, but he thought since he was asking to go to good universities they would be supportive. Yes, New York was far away but he didn't want to live in London all of his life. He wanted to get away, explore the world and maybe taking advantage of an extremely financially stable family was a good choice for once.

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