~Chapter Forty~

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Will tried so hard not to think about Parker as he sat in the back of his parents' car. He was on his way to see Dylan the morning after the incident with his boyfriend, and Jack had already bombarded him with one million questions. Not one had been answered. He didn't want to talk about it. His phone had been deliberately left at home, because from the moment he woke up Parker had been calling him nonstop. From him alone he had about twenty text messages, all of them stating how sorry he was for everything and asking if he could see him.

But Will couldn't face him just yet. He still needed a few hours to cool down, and maybe seeing Dylan wasn't the best way to do that but it was the option he went with. It wasn't just what happened last night that was getting to him, it was what Holden told him.

Parker was keeping a secret from him, and a pretty big one it seemed. But he was starting to wonder whether it was the right time to bring it up. Holden told him to let Parker tell him in his own time, and Will also had some stuff buried in the closet too. He knew what it was like to not want to talk about something that happened in the past.

The rehabilitation centre was half an hour away from their home, and it felt odd to go somewhere with his family. Their driver had picked them up, and they were all sat together in the back of the car in silence. It was deafening, but honestly he would rather that than have to speak.

The building was very modern and new, a clean smell radiating off it that screamed hospital, without it being an actual hospital. They were meeting Dylan in the cafeteria to have lunch, and when Will saw him he couldn't help but smile. Despite only being there a day, he already looked healthier.

"I think we'll let you boys chat for a while," Their Mother told him and Jack, pointing to an empty table in the corner. "Your Father and I will wait there."

The boys nodded, going together to sit down at Dylan's table. In the corner of the room Dylan's nurse was watching them, but she wasn't too close since she was supposed to respect their privacy.

"Hey," Will greeted him, his voice soft and cautious.

"I didn't think you would want to see me." Was the first thing their brother said.

Clearing his throat, Jack looked at the way Dylan's hands were shaking. It was obvious he was trying to control them, but the nerves wouldn't let him. Clearly he was craving a drink, but it would eventually get better.

"Of course we want to see you," Jack told him reassuringly. "I'll go get us some food. I'll try and find something nice," He said before getting up to join the short queue.

Then it was just Will and his other brother.

"I'm sorry," Will apologised.

"What? What for?" Dylan asked, shaking his head.

"For not being there for you. For not helping you sooner."

"This isn't your fault. I don't blame you for not wanting to help, you were always scared of us. Both me and Jack. When were you gonna tell me you were gay?" Dylan asked gently, causing Will to scoot uncomfortably in his seat.

"That doesn't matter." Will sighed. "Do you like it here?"

He nodded. "It's uh... Well I've only been here a day but they're really nice. They do this like... This group therapy thing, well it's not therapy it's just like... chat, you know? About um, feelings and stuff. Our addictions and um... things, you know?"

"Yeah." Will smiled. "That's good. I'm glad."

"Thanks," Dylan said, fiddling with his fingers nervously. "Have you uh, heard from Jasmine?" He asked.

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