~Chapter Fifteen~

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"Dylan?" Will repeated.

"And a few others," Parker added.

"I don't understand," Will shook his head, grabbing Parker's hand and leading him to his en-suite bathroom. The boy wasn't saying a lot about what happened, and Will was confused as to why Parker came to him and not anyone else. Dylan was his brother, so why go to Will of all people?

"I'm sorry," Parker apologised.

"Why are you here?" The younger boy grabbed a wash cloth from the cabinet next to the sink and sat Parker down on the toilet. After he wet it, he pressed it to his face, wiping away the dried blood there before also wiping off his hands.

"I don't have a car. My place is too far away and-"

"What do you mean you don't have a car? You took me home in it last week," Will gulped when seeing the bruise on the boy's face. It was huge and looked painful. Whoever hit him, presumably Dylan, hit him hard.

"'s not my car. It's Xander's. I borrowed it," He explained briefly, cursing when Will put pressure on his wounds.

"Where's Dylan now? I thought he was with Jasmine," Will asked, clearly confused.

"I don't know but Jasmine wasn't there. He obviously lied to you. He was pretty drunk though, off his face drunk," Parker informed him.

"Drunk? He was drunk? Where the hell were you?" Will asked.

"Yes he was drunk," Was Parker's answer, but it didn't answer all his questions. Parker couldn't tell Will where he was. There was just no way he could let it slip, even if he wanted to tell him everything.

"How on earth did you manage to climb through my window in this state?" Will asked, his voice sounding genuinely concerned rather than angry. He had school work to do and lessons started again in the morning. It was already late and here he was, dealing with a mess that he wasn't directly involved with. However, cleaning up Parker Hayes' wounds was involvement enough.

"That's the thing Will," Parker sighed. "I fought for you."

"What?" Will stepped back, gulping.

"Matthew was there and-"

"You fought him?"

Parker nodded.

Will shook his head, "I told you stay out of it and you blatantly ignored me!" He yelled. Parker flinched at his tone, not used to seeing Will this angry.

"I couldn't help it, okay? I was already fighting with Dylan and he fucking showed up and started saying shit and-"

"No," Will stopped him. "You can't give me any excuses. The fact you expect me to feel sorry for you when you were fighting my brother is ridiculous by itself. Then you go and beat up my ex when I told you I was just going to let what he did go?"

"I was protecting you!" Parker argued.

"Why? You're not my friend. You're not my boyfriend. I want you out of my life! What part of that don't you understand?" Will shouted, his breathing becoming heavy. Parker looked hurt by his words.

"You don't want anything to do with me at all?" Parker's voice cracked.

"Nothing at all."

"No, so you can leave," Will said. "You can leave out the front door. You know the way."

"You're serious?" Parker laughed incredulously. "After everything I've done for you."

"I didn't ask you to do anything for me. You just do it and expect me to be fucking grateful," Will spat.

"And why do you think I do those things for you? I can't fucking help it Will," Parker snapped.

"You need to leave," Will said, exiting the bathroom knowing very well that Parker was following behind him.

"Fine," Parker said, walking away before slamming Will's bedroom door shut behind him.

Will just stood there in front of it, looking at the wood blankly.

What now?

His question was answered when it opened again, Parker storming back in, shutting it aggressively once again, before striding towards Will and crashing their lips together. Immediately, Will kissed back, impulse taking over him as their lips and bodies moved together. It took only a second for them to move to Will's bed, the younger boy falling back onto it as he let Parker hover over him.

The older boy's tongue pushed past Will's lips and into his mouth, not having to fight for dominance whatsoever. It was like Will just wanted to submit to him, like this is what they had been waiting for and for such a long time. Feverishly, he kissed Parker with everything he had, scared it was going to end as quickly as it did the last time.

But this time Parker wasn't going to end it.

He didn't care about the consequences. All he wanted was to hear the sweet sound of Will's whines and moans and to taste the lovely taste of Will's plump lips he'd had exquisite, intense dreams about.

Parker's lips moved to Will's jaw, nipping and sucking the pale skin, before working his way down to his neck to do the same. It was like Will knew what the other boy wanted, because he tilted his head slightly to expose the pale flesh there.

"Shit Parker..." The boy breathed out.

Hastily, Parker tugged on the boys shirt, silently telling him to take it off. Obviously, he obliged and sucked in a breath when Parker started to leave a trail of kisses all the way down his chest, his lips soft and gentle. His hands went from grabbing Will's hips to lacing their fingers together as he kissed him once again, more gently than moments prior. "I can't do this now, even though I want to so badly."

"Why?" Will asked, looking up at Parker while pouting. The older boy laughed, leaning down to softly press a kiss to his lips.

"Because I'm pretty sure that's Jack's voice I can hear in the kitchen."

End of Act One

Act One Playlist:

1. Milk- The 1975

2. Time To Pretend- MGMT

3. Do What You Want- High Tyde

4. Different Creatures- Circa Waves

5. Forget It All- The Night Cafe

6. Me- The 1975

7. A Night On The Broken Tiles- Circa Waves

8. It Won't Always Be Like This- Inhaler

9. Sugar Sweet- Larkins

10. Mess Is Mine- Vance Joy

11. Sparks- Coldplay

12. Appointments- Julien Baker

13. Sweet Disposition- The Temper Trap

14. Out On My Own- Circa Waves

15. fallingforyou- The 1975

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