~Chapter Fifty~

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A bright light shone in his eyes as he woke up, eyes blinking rapidly to adjust to the new surroundings. Slowly he looked around, wincing in pain as he tried to sit up, a sharp feeling stabbing him in his chest.

"Hey, hey take it easy." A calming voice soothed him, gently guiding him to sit comfortably against the headboard of the bed. It finally sunk in that he was in a hospital room, and he shakily took a breath as he worriedly looked at his mother.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice croaky and hoarse. Sympathetically she smiled, handing him a plastic cup filled with cold water to help his throat. Sipping it, he felt the coldness of the liquid slide down his throat, easing his pounding headache ever so slightly as well.

"You were in a small car accident," She explained.

Flashes of recent events appeared in his mind, and immediately his heart sunk in his chest. "Is Violet okay? T-the baby, did I... Oh my god." Tears pooled in his eyes, causing his mother to softly grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"Violet and the baby are fine. She has very minor injuries. Jack is with her now," She reassured him, hearing her son sigh in relief. "Your injuries are minor too. You'll be fine to leave by the end of the day, but for now you need to get some rest. I'm going to speak to your father about fixing your car."

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen I-"

Immediately she cut him off, saying, "It's fine Will. Everything is okay."

Reluctantly he nodded and just relaxed, trying to supress the guilt he was feeling. If he had just dealt with his anger in a normal way this wouldn't have happened, but instead he had to lose focus and crash his car. However he was grateful that Violet and the baby were both okay, he couldn't live with himself if something happened to them.

Outside of his hospital room door, Jack and Dylan leaned against the wall after finding out about the accident. In a way they blamed themselves, knowing Will was still upset and feeling betrayed by his own family.

"So the baby's okay?" Dylan asked, seeing his older brother nod. "I-I thought he was dead, y-know? When Mum called and told us he had been in an accident I didn't know what to do," He admitted.

Everything was so sudden, the shift from being angry about him missing his birthday dinner, to wondering whether or not he was even alive. It made them realise how much they needed their brother, and how much he meant to them. Will was such an amazing soul, with a kind heart and an actual future ahead of him. He was intelligent and caring, despite having parents who never used to care, and still can be neglectful at times.

"It scared me too. Him and Violet. I couldn't imagine losing her or Will, it broke my heart even thinking about it," Jack breathed out, then shut his eyes. "I need to tell you something, and you have to promise not to get mad, because I did this before I knew Will was alive and okay."

"What did you do?" Dylan wearily asked, voice wavering as numerous possibilities floated around in his mind. Not getting mad wasn't his strong suit, so when someone attempted to prevent him from doing so, it only made it more likely that he was going to get angry. Dylan was still fragile and coming to terms with Jasmine's death, so more bad news wasn't exactly near the top of the list of things he needed right now.

Jack hesitated before saying, "I called Parker. I thought if something serious happened he would want to know."

"You what?!" Dylan yelled angrily.

As if on cue, quick footsteps approached from down the hall, shoes squeaking loudly on the clean floors. Parker was quick, Jack had to at least give him that. When he shared the news he didn't expect Parker to actually come for Will, but he should have seen it coming.

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