~Chapter Fourteen~

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When the two boys returned to Parker's flat, the place was empty and cold. The curtains were open in the living room, letting the moonlight flood in through the window. Silence deafened them, eating away at them the more they didn't speak to each other.

After their moment at Parker's mum's house, it was tense between them. It was obvious they both agreed what happened between them was a huge mistake, but they didn't want to talk about it. Parker knew what he did was wrong, especially since Will was still feeling vulnerable after the party. Guilt and regret was all he felt, and he just felt so terrible. He felt like a criminal, and Will was his crime. A crime he'd been so tempted to commit many times in the past.

Sometimes people can't help giving in to temptation.

"Are you hungry?" Those were the first words either one had spoken to each other since they left; even the car journey was silent. Parker watched as Will shook his head, pulling his sleeves over his hands in an attempt to warm up.

"I'll turn the heating on."

Did Will hate him now? Was this how it was going to be from now on? What was Jack going to say when he found out where his brother had been for the past two nights? Parker dreaded to think.

It seemed as if Will was unsure of what to do, because when Parker returned, the boy was stood in the exact same place he'd left him. "Are you mad at me?" Parker asked straight out, not wanting him to be awake all night unsure about everything that took place earlier. There was no way he could sleep knowing Will was angry with him, even if he knew he made a bad decision.

"No, of course not," The boy answered honestly, sighing as he sat down on the couch. After letting out a yawn, he rubbed his eyes and waited for the other boy to respond. This was the second time they had kissed, and the first time he was so worried about the consequences that he didn't even notice how it felt. However, the second time was different. The second time he didn't think about the aftermath of the kiss, and how it would affect his relationship with Parker.

If he said he didn't enjoy it, he would be lying. That kiss was better than any other kiss he'd had in his life. And knowing it was a mistake and would never happen again really hurt him. The thought of knowing Parker's lips would never be on his own again was awful, but it was for the best.

"Are you sure? You haven't said a word to me since we left," Parker spoke hesitantly, not wanting to upset the boy after everything he's been through. The last thing he wanted to do was take Will home this late when he was upset, because the chances are, Dylan would find out and break his neck.

"I'm fine. 'm just tired and kind of want to go to sleep," He told Parker, trying not to sound so miserable, but it was hard. Fatigue was taking over him and he just wasn't in the mood to talk about anything at the moment.

So Parker nodded, saying he'd get Will something to sleep in and would be right back. After retrieving some joggers (that would probably be too short on Will's legs) and a plain t-shirt, he gave them to him and said, "I'll take the couch."

"No," Will immediately argued. "I'll take the couch. It's your flat, so you shouldn't have to give your bed up for me."

"But you're the guest," Parker rolled his eyes. "I have blankets and extra pillows, it's fine. I've crashed on here so many times when I've been too drunk to make it to my room," Parker laughed, but when he noticed Will wasn't doing the same, he frowned. "Please?" He pleaded.

"Fine," The younger boy gave in. "But if you can't sleep you can kick me out."

"That won't happen, but if it makes you happy..." He muttered.

"Okay then," Will said, standing up. "Goodnight?"

"Night," Parker sent him a small smile. "I'll see you in the morning."

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