Act Three

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When Will returned home he could tell that something was off. The house was freezing cold and the front door had been left unlocked. Slowly, he walked further into the house and looked in each room, seeing nothing suspicious.

Eventually he reached the kitchen, where the air grew colder.

The back glass doors to the garden were open, which was the first thing Will noticed.

Next his eyes moved to the ground, because a sharp pain shot up his foot. Glass. Shards of it everywhere.

And finally he saw Dylan on the ground, back against the kitchen island as he took a swig of a half empty bottle. He winced in pain as he tried to walk to his brother, stepping on the glass as his socks became soaked in blood.

Dylan was also bloody and bruised, his eyes opening and closing as he looked at the wall in front of him.

"Dylan," Will choked out.

"I'm sorry," Was all his brother could muster. And all Will could do was cry.


"What's your biggest fear?" Will asked, swaying gently to the music. Parker pulled him to his chest, gripping onto him so tightly because he was too afraid to let go. If he was honest, his biggest fear was losing Will. His biggest fear was Will finding out the truth. His biggest fear was never being able to see this boy again. It's what kept him awake at night, knowing that everyone Will was close to could take him away in a heartbeat. And Parker could do nothing about it. He would have to let them. Because they would be right to do that. He wouldn't win, even if he fought and fought for that boy he wouldn't win. He wasn't supposed to win.

"Losing you," Parker whispered.

"You don't ever have to worry about that. You'll never lose me, okay?" Will pulled away, looking Parker dead straight in his eyes that were so, so blue.

"Okay," Parker nodded. "I can't lose you."

Will just softly kissed him.

"This song is so sad."

"But it's true. I want you," Parker told him.

Will kissed him again, "You have me."


"I'm sorry," Violet choked out. "I'm so sorry."

"Will I promise I didn't know I-"

Will interrupted Jack, "How long have you known?"

"A day. That's all," Jack said immediately.

"And you?" Will turned to Violet.

"The whole time," She said ashamed. "I just couldn't cope with the fact it's Jack's baby. I didn't know what to do, Will."

"You're disgusting," He spat.

"Will please," Violet pleaded. "I'm so sorry."

"Save your energy for the baby," Will shook his head.


"What do you want from me?" Parked gulped.

"You took her away from me. I want her back," Dylan told him.

"I can't help you with Jasmine. You know that. I can't get involved," Parker told him.

"You're going to," Dylan ordered.

"And if I don't?"

"I'll tell everyone," Dylan took a breath. He was so drunk that he was struggling to keep his eyes open. "I'll tell your secret."

"That's not a good idea. You know what I can do. What I've done," Parker warned him.

"I'm not scared of you anymore," Dylan laughed. "Jasmine is the only reason you're not dead."

"Isn't it the other way around?" Parker reminded him.

Dylan just growled.

"Get me what I want, Hayes. I mean it."


The application was right there in front of him on the screen. All he had to do was click one button to send it off.

University was a big choice so of course he was scared. After all he was going against his parents' wishes, as they wanted only one thing for him. But Oxford wasn't for him.

So he pressed send.

New York hopefully awaits.

A/N: Hi everyone, long time no see. I was originally going to wait until the end of May to publish Act Three, but with everything that's going on in the world, meaning lockdown and a whole global pandemic, I decided that people needed a break from that drama. Instead you can read this mess of a drama that is Will Lockwood and his messed up life.
Anyway, thank you so much for 100k reads!!! I am so shocked and thankful. Chapter Thirty One will be updated either later today or tomorrow depending on when I finish the editing process. After that chapters will be updated once a week, and I do mean that. I have a lot of time on my hands now so i'm going to try my best.

Please enjoy the rest of this book and your day.
Lots of love,
Sian x

IG: Sian_Dickson
Twitter: Sianedickson

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