~Chapter Twenty Five~

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A/N: Chapter Twenty Four was updated only a few days ago in case you missed that. If you did I would recommend going back and reading it before reading this one. Enjoy - Sian x

It was a few days later and Will was at school. The atmosphere felt weird, and maybe it was because Violet wasn't by his side or maybe it was because he had spent the last few days worrying about her telling people about him and Parker. But he had seen his brothers since that night, and neither of them had mentioned it. However it was obvious that Jack was angry about something, but no one had asked him about it. 

When he sat down next to Colton in class, he let out a shaky breath and started putting his stuff out on the table. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, clearly concerned about the way Will was acting. 

"Have you seen Violet?" Was Will's response, ignoring his friend's question. He hadn't seen her all day and he knew that she wasn't visiting her Dad, so where was she? Maybe she was actively avoiding him, or maybe she was waiting for the perfect time to tell his brothers what she found out. All he knew was that he needed to speak to her about what she was talking about with Jack. It was late so it wasn't as if they were casually hanging out. She was clearly the reason for his sudden annoyed mood, and he needed to know what was going on. Being kept in the dark was not fun, and recently he felt he was always the one there. 

Shaking his head, Colton opened his textbook to the correct page as their teacher began speaking. But Will couldn't focus. He had never been this anxious about something in his life. This could ruin his relationship with his family and with Parker. 

Which is why after school he immediately knocked om Violet's door, waiting for her or at least someone to answer. 

"Will? What are you doing here? Violet isn't even home yet," Her sister explained. It was a shock to see Violet's sister answer the door, as he assumed that she would be in Paris. 

"Sorry I didn't know. I'll- I'll go," He pointed behind him, turning around to leave only to bump into a hard object behind him. Jumping, he sucked in a breath when he realised it was Violet. She was about to storm past him, but he moved so he was in her way. Rolling her eyes, she sighed. 

"Come in. We'll talk," She said. 

The look on her phase was unreadable, and he wasn't sure where this was going. They were either going to make up and resolve the issue, or she was going to admit to him that she was, or had already told his secret. If he was being honest, he wasn't even sure that he could forgive her for what she had done. Keeping her and Jack's relationship a secret was one thing, but sleeping with Ezra was another. He wondered if Dimitri knew. He hadn't been Violet's boyfriend for that long, so it was possible their relationship was done. 

Violet's house was cold, and it was obvious nobody had been home in a while. There were moving boxes everywhere, and the whole house was a mess. 

"I didn't realise Harriet was home," Will commented, gulping when she didn't reply. They were sat in her bedroom which was the only part of the house that didn't feel empty. 

"What do you want, Will?" Violet asked harshly. 

He was frustrated. He was done being nice. Violet always did this, acted like she wasn't the one in the wrong or that there wasn't anything to talk about. 

"I saw you talking to Jack the other night in my garden. Did you tell him?" He questioned accusingly. If she wasn't going to be nice then neither was he. She didn't deserve any of his time. If anything, she should be grateful that he didn't tell Jack about her antics at their cousin's party the other night. 

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