~Chapter Seven~

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Will didn't know what to expect when Jack and Dylan finally got home. They must've dropped Jasmine off at her house because she wasn't with them by the end of the wild goose chase. What Will wasn't expecting was for Dylan to come home beaten to death and smelling of alcohol. The smell made him sick, it always had and it most likely always would.

Will didn't want to shout at his brother like he usually did, he didn't want to make a big fuss and inflate the situation any more, so he just watched as Jack helped him clean up at the sink. The boy obviously wasn't drunk anymore, but it wouldn't have made much of a difference even if he was, he could barely walk sober. Will didn't even ask what happened. He didn't know what to think, honestly.

This was happening more and more often, and he wasn't sure if it was ever going to get any better.

"I'm going upstairs," Will said.

"Will wait-" Dylan hissed in pain, the feeling stopping him from going after his brother. There was no way to explain this, not without Will telling their parents. None of them were snitches, but when it came down to something as serious as this, the older brothers knew Will would snitch any day.

The boy didn't know what to do, so as soon as he slammed his door shut he rang Violet. However it went straight to voicemail, and he sighed, throwing his phone on his bed in frustration. Why wasn't he told things? Whatever happened to Dylan was serious and he deserved an explanation. This couldn't keep repeating. He might go insane.

For some reason, his mind went to Parker. What he told him before he left. He had a point, but in reality, Will was different. He was seventeen while Parker's brother was ten, and he wasn't a kid anymore. Yet, Jack and Dylan still mistreated him.

Angrily, he ran down the stairs and grabbed his car keys from the ceramic dish by the door, slamming it loudly behind him. He went straight to his car, but he didn't know where the final destination would be. So instead he just started to drive, letting the road decide for him. After a while, he realised he was headed in the direction of the bar where Parker's band played, which he wasn't sure was even open.

And when he did get there, it was closed. The only cars in the car park were his own and another one which looked to have been in quite a few accidents. Where was he supposed to go now? It was in times like this he wished he had other friends. He could call Colton, but he said he was busy that and that's why they couldn't work on the project together that day. They weren't even considered friends, so he was truly alone.

Once again out of frustration he slammed his hand onto the horn, causing it to beep loudly and possibly startle anyone in a mile radius of his car. The boy sat there for a minute, not sure what to do, but he was shocked when someone knocked on his car window.

Confused, Will looked at who it was. There was no way he was opening his window for a total stranger that could murder him as soon as there was a gap for him to shoot. Luckily, it wasn't a stranger; he sighed in relief when he saw it was Holden. Honestly, he wasn't sure if he considered him a friend, but it was better than nothing.

"Will?" He asked after the window was rolled down. He must've looked insane, pulling up to a bar in a Range Rover when it wasn't even open, while also beeping his horn like a lunatic. "You alright?" Holden sounded concerned, almost a bit panicked. That was until he pulled out a cigarette, lighting it as he leaned against the car.

Will nodded. "Sorry, I don't know what I'm doing here, honestly."

"No need for an explanation, mate. Just checking you were okay. Not many people use their horn for no reason in the middle of a car park," Holden chuckled. Will felt a bit lighter, the air was less tense, and he didn't feel as angry.

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