~Chapter Two~

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To say Will didn't stare at Parker often was a lie. Yes, he listened to what Dylan said. He stayed away from him. It had been a few weeks since the party and everything was fine. Nothing exciting happened apart from the odd time he watched Parker from his window as he climbed into Jack's car. It wasn't creepy, but that boy was so mysterious. He didn't understand the possible reasons for him deliberately attacking Will at the party, though that didn't mean that he wasn't wary of him. Somehow he always managed to catch a glimpse of the arrogant arsehole.  

However, this day was different. This day was important.

This day was the annual Lockwood garden party, which took place in (you guessed it) their enormous, beautifully decorated garden. It was where his parents invited round all their rich 'friends', and in turn they made business deals, investments. Honestly, he didn't know the ins and outs of it, he just knew that he had to be nice. One good thing that came out of it was that their cousin usually came to visit from Ireland.

Unfortunately, Violet couldn't make it this since she was visiting her dad in America where he lived after divorcing her mum. Sadly, she hated visiting because apparently all her family did was argue with each other. Anyway, Will was disappointed because Violet was usually his source of entertainment for these pretentious parties, and today he would be facing the herd alone. Even Jack got to invite Parker and some of his other friends. Of course, the garden was huge and he could easily avoid them, but it was still annoying that they were even there in the first place. At first when Parker came into their lives, he got on with the family. Even Dylan tolerated him to an extent. Recently however, most people were cold towards him- himself included- and it was as though their feelings towards him had changed overnight. He was not sure why, but he did not care enough to find out. 

The weather was impeccably perfect, as it usually was for the party, and Will had decided after some contemplation to wear his bright, yellow swim shorts that hung dangerously low on his hips. The hot sun rays beamed down onto the party, making his skin glisten underneath the blaring light. 

"Those are quite... bright." A voice startled him and he jumped, swiftly turning around to see his cousin stood there with a cheeky grin. 

"Ezra," Will happily chimed, pulling the boy into a hug. It wasn't very often that he saw his cousin, so when he did it was always refreshing and fun. It was a shame he never got to stay for longer than a day. Like Will, the boy's parents were rarely ever home and therefore he didn't get the chance to visit often. Ireland was a long way to travel, but it would be worth it just to hang out. 

They talked for a while, chatting mindlessly while picking up pieces of food from the snack table. Having a lot in common was the reason they were close, as they had the same sense of humour and could therefore spend all day together. His cousin could not do that with Jack or Dylan, despite them all being a similar age.  

Then Will asked, "Are you still with your girlfriend?" 

The curly haired lad watched in amusement at the way his cousin struggled to balance the food on his plate, while also carrying his beer to the loungers. It seemed that their parents did not care about underage drinking, since both of them were only seventeen. Will's mother glanced at them out of the corner of her eye, but chose to say nothing and instead socialise with her guests. 

As Will sat on the lounger, Ezra answered with, "Yep, Cassie's great. She's thinking about coming here for Uni actually."

"Oh she is? She should come and visit, Oxford I assume?" Will asked, and his cousin nodded. Cassie and Will had only met once, and it was over a year ago when the Lockwoods were visiting Ireland. She was a sweet girl, gentle and kind. 

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