~Chapter Forty Four-

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A/N: Since chapter forty one I've been posting every day so if you missed any earlier chapters I'd recommend reading those because this probably won't make sense lol. Anyway enjoy the chapter, lots of love- Sian <3

The morning after the wedding Will woke up with a pounding headache and blurry eyes. He drank far too much throughout the night and cringed as he recalled Jack having to help him to his room. However he still had a great time, and the trip couldn't have gone more smoothly. The one thing that could make it slightly better was Parker answering his phone. He still had a few hours before his family had to leave for their flight, so he decided that he would call Parker while he was still in bed.

Luckily the boy answered this time. He felt bad since he missed all of his calls the previous day, but he was a little too intoxicated and he didn't want to risk being caught by his family.

"Hey baby." Parker's voice was raspy and he sounded groggy. It was obvious that Will's phone call woke him up, and immediately he felt guilty because of it.

"Hi. Sorry if I woke you up," He apologised, looking at the time on the hotel television. It was ten o'clock in Paris, so it would be nine there. That was early for Parker. Although more recently he had been getting up earlier to see Elliot whenever he could, so perhaps he was already awake.

"No don't be. How was the wedding?" His boyfriend asked. Shuffling could be heard from over the phone, and it was obvious his boyfriend was still in bed from the sound of him fiddling with the sheets.

"It was really good actually. I'm a bit hungover though," Will admitted, thinking back to the many fruity cocktails he consumed last night. He danced with Violet almost all night, though she wasn't drinking because of the baby. Dylan also wasn't drinking, and he was so proud of his brother for not giving into all of the temptation. It was definitely a risk bringing him to Paris, but it was a good choice. When they got back home he was supposed to go back to rehab for another month, and he seemed happy to do so. He really wanted to get better, and he hoped that he would never have to go back.

"Too much champagne?" Parker questioned, his deep chuckle echoing down the line.

Will shook his head despite not being able to be seen. "Cocktails actually. They had so much choice and I clearly had no control," He explained with a small laugh. "I really wish you were here."

"I do too, but I'll see you as soon as you get home," Parker assured him.

"Yeah I know. How have you been? How's Elliot?" Will asked, his voice full of sympathy and concern. While he was having the time of his life in Paris, his boyfriend was at home with his ill brother. He really hoped that Elliot was going to get better, but it seemed as if the odds were stacked against him.

A sigh could be heard from the other end of the phone, and Parker replied with, "Um not good. Actually I was going to ask if you would meet me at the hospital when you got home, I know we said my flat, but I really need to see him."

"Yeah of course. Have you spent all of your time with him while I've been away?" Will asked. He couldn't imagine how Parker's family were feeling. Elliot was so young and this was such an awful thing to happen to him. He didn't deserve this. The boy was so sweet and loving, always so energetic and enthusiastic. He thought back to Halloween, which felt like years ago when really it was only months. The brothers had matching costumes and they were so happy together. It was obvious that Parker loved him.

"Um yeah," Parker shakily answered. "Listen I'm really sorry but can we talk later? I really need to get going."

"Of course, yeah. I'll see you when I get back," Will told him.

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