~Chapter Eleven~

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"Will?" His voice sounded surprised. He was undoubtedly thrown off guard after avoiding Will for at least a month. The boys just stared at each other, the tension between them so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"What are you doing here?" Parker asked.

Will gulped, looking down as he fiddled with his thumbs, obviously embarrassed that Parker saw he was upset.

"I was hungry." Was Will's response.

Parker let out a sigh, putting his notepad and pen in his apron pocket. Hesitantly, he sat in the seat opposite Will, knowing his boss wouldn't tell him off because the place was empty of customers other than Will.

"Will you're about eight miles from your house. You can tell me what's wrong. It's night time, we trust each other at night time, remember?" Parker reminded him with a comforting smile, but it wasn't returned.

"Do we?" Will gave him a harsh, questioning look. "A month. I haven't seen you or had a conversation with you in a month, Parker. And you expect me to tell you everything?"

"I needed time," Parker told him.

"I don't care," Will snapped. "Do you know how confused I was after that night? You're so confusing."

"Me? I'm confusing?" Parker laughed incredulously. "Will you weren't going to stop me from kissing you that night in your car. You come to every, single one of my gigs, stay later than everyone else to tell me how great I am, but then you go and get a boyfriend and leave me confused," He spilled, shaking his head. The boy stood up, about to leave the table, but he was stopped.

"Parker wait," Will called out, his voice hoarse. "...Jack slept with Violet, I found his hoodie in her room. And when I confronted him about it, he didn't deny it," He blurted.

Parker shut his eyes, feeling bad immediately.

"I'm sorry," Parker apologised.

"'s not your fault," Will gave a half-hearted smile. "You didn't know."

Parker sat back down, but this time next to Will who didn't even flinch when he wiped a tear from his cheek. For some reason, he couldn't lie to the boy, not when he knew about Jack and Violet all that time. He didn't agree with it, not because of Will but because of everything Jack did. He treated Violet like shit, and he wasn't sure if the boy knew that or not.

"Will, I did know," Parker told him softly.


"They told me not to tell anyone. I didn't mean to find out, I caught them," He admitted.

"How could I be so oblivious? I feel so stupid," Will frowned. "They're dating, and Violet didn't tell me? How could she do that? Jack is my brother." He ran his hands over his face, clearly frustrated about the whole situation.

"He did tell you they broke up, right?" Parker raised an eyebrow, brushing Will's hair out of his face. The boy looked up from where he was staring at his lap, a confused look appearing on his sad face.

"No. When did that happen?" Will asked, sniffling.

"About a month ago. Jack wasn't the best boyfriend," Parker explained. The frown on Will's face didn't disappear, it only became sadder.

"They were together? Like... together together?" Will questioned. The older boy nodded, feeling sorry for Will who was left in the dark for so long. Of course, there were so many times where Parker wanted to tell Will, every time he saw Jack, Violet and Will in the same room he just wanted to scream it out. However, he couldn't. It would ruin the relationship he had with his best friend, and even though Jack was a complete arsehole, their friendship meant a lot to him.

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