~Chapter Forty Three~

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A/N: This is the third update over three consecutive days, so if you missed the last two chapters I'd really recommend reading those first. Enjoy- Sian <3

When Parker's Dad left them it was bittersweet. He was a bad man, but he hated to admit that they were more alike than people thought. His Dad was cruel and heartless, with no regard for others' feelings, including his own son's. One thing that he did do though, was keep in touch with him despite walking away all of those years ago. Their relationship wasn't great, though.

But Parker's Dad was the reason he was the way he was, and he blamed some of his bad past on that despicable man. At least his son had some remorse for his actions.

However if he wasn't so desperate, he wouldn't be visiting his Dad in the first place. His family was desperate for money as he had to pay both his own bills and his Mum's. It wasn't her fault. It was his. He was the one who destroyed the diner and he was the one who promised to fix the mess he had made. Not only that but he still owed Will for bailing him out of jail. Nobody else would be able to afford to.

As he pulled up in a rental car that his Dad let him borrow, he took a shaky breath and avoided the other man in the car gazing at him. He was an old friend of his, if he could even call him that. When he was a teenager they used to hang out together, and they hadn't seen each other since the incident a few years ago.

"It's nice to have you back, Hayes," He spoke, a sickening smirk gracing his lips. He was the same age, but looked like he had aged twenty years in the space of two. His head was completely shaved and he had the same off putting gold tooth that Parker always hated.

"Yeah well it's just this once," Parker grumbled, looking around for the person they were supposed to be meeting.

"What, so you move back to London to hang out with rich fuckers, and suddenly you're above us?" His name was Lewis and his Dad left him when he was fourteen. When they were teenagers together Parker would move between living with his Mum in London and his Dad in Bristol. Eventually when his Dad decided he was finally done, Parker ended up living with his Mum permanently and never saw Lewis again. He knew that Lewis had a hard childhood, just like Parker, but he never got his life back on track again. Parker and Lewis would sell drugs for his Dad, and it seemed like Lewis kept on working for him even after he left.

"Seems like you've moved up in the business though," Parker commented. "I was the only one allowed to touch heroine. Did he give you a gun too?" He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and opened the car window, smoking out of it while avoiding Lewis' death glare. The sound of clanging metal caught his attention and reflexes took over his body, old instincts kicking in. As soon as the noise bounced off his eardrums Parker was holding a similar gun to his friend's head.

"Fucking hell Hayes, I'm only playing," Lewis frantically said, dropping his own gun and holding his hands up in defence.

"Yeah well shut up, yeah? I have places to be and I don't wanna be doing this," Parker griped.

"Why are you back?" Lewis curiously questioned. "I thought you didn't do this anymore."

"I don't do this anymore. Like I said it's a one time thing and I'm desperate. I need the money," Parker admitted, thinking about the damage he did to the diner and the large sum he owed his too generous boyfriend. Fuck, if Will could see him now he would be so ashamed. He probably wouldn't be able to look him in the eye.

Lewis just nodded and asked for a smoke. Parker complied before getting out of the car and walking across the street to the club. The vibrations of the booming music could be felt on the pavement as they waited in line to get in.

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