~Chapter Ten~

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One month later

"I'll see you later, babe," Matthew said, kissing his lips softly before walking to his class. Will smiled sheepishly, stepping out from their secret spot under the stairs where no one could see them. It was frustrating having to do that all the time, but it would do until Will was ready to come out.

As of yesterday, Matthew was officially Will's boyfriend, and he was quite smitten with him. The boy was so sweet, and he took care of Will. It was coming up to mid-October, which meant Halloween was in a few short weeks, and he and his boyfriend had been invited to Holden's party he was holding at his flat. He was really excited he could go to a social event where he could hold his boyfriend's hand without feeling weird about it.

Lately, he hadn't seen much of Parker, after that night he kind of disappeared, but he knew that he was still hanging out with Jack as he was talked about a few times. He didn't know what to think of that night. What did Parker mean when he said he had to figure things out? What was there to figure out?

"You're still coming over after school, aren't you?" Violet asked him when he sat down in his seat. Her best friend nodded and pulled out his notes from his backpack, noticing Colton was smiling at him. He smiled back before turning to the girl next to him.

"Do I ever miss your Mum's family dinners?" Will gave her a knowing look.

"My mom said she'd cancel the dinner if you didn't come, so you better be there," Violet warned.

"I'll be there," He promised.

After class, he headed to the lunch hall and got into the queue. Usually, he would bring his own lunch, but he was in such a rush that morning that he forgot to grab it from the counter.

"Hey Will," Someone said from behind him. When he heard his name being called, he turned around and was surprised to see Jo. It wasn't that he was disappointed to see her, it was just that they didn't speak a lot when they were in school because they were in different friend groups.

"Oh hi," He smiled warmly, stepping back when the queue moved forward. However, his smile faded when he saw the odd look she was giving him. Of course, he didn't want to say anything about it, but he couldn't help but feel unnerved. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just... I haven't seen you in ages, normally you come out with us on Fridays, and you haven't been in almost a month." Immediately Will felt terrible, knowing that she was right and he had been a lousy friend. He'd seen Jo a few times, but they hadn't really hung out properly since he met Matthew.

"I'm sorry. I've been really busy, and the last time I went Parker wasn't there-"

"What, so you need Parker to be there to hang out?" She asked, looking slightly offended.

"No, no of course not," Will replied quickly. "How about we hang out tomorrow at my place? You can bring Holden and the guys if you want to, my brothers and my parents aren't home. Jack is at work, and Dylan is spending a few days at Jasmine's place."

"That sounds fun," She agreed. "I'll text Holden."

"Great," Will nodded, picking up the sandwich he wanted. He spotted Matthew at their table with Violet and smiled, happy that they actually got along. "I'll see you later," He said before he headed to the table. Although he hated how it worked, he couldn't help but know that the school was divided into many groups of popular and unpopular. Unfortunately, due to this Jo and her friends refused to sit with Will, because Will sat with Matthew and some boys from the football team, as well as Violet and some of her girl-friends.

"I'm not entirely sure that's a good idea," Violet shook her head at Will's boyfriend. Matthew rolled his eyes and turned his head to the boy who was taking a seat next to him.

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