~Chapter Forty Two~

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A/N: Chapter Forty One was published yesterday in case you missed it. Hope you enjoy the chapter- Sian <3

The last time Will was in France was on a family trip to Disneyland Paris, where Jack threw up on a ride after eating a whole bucket of sweets, and Dylan cried and peed himself on one of the horror rides. However it wasn't a horror ride, it was It's a Small World After All. After that slightly traumatising experience, Will promised that he would never return to that theme park with his brothers.

The hotel they were staying at was fabulous, with a glimmering chandelier in the entrance, velvet sofas for guests to sit on and gold accents on almost everything. He expected no less. Their shoes squeaked on the marble tiling that covered the entirety of the floor, and Will could see his reflection in the smooth surface.

Immediately they were given room keys upon arrival, and he was so exhausted that all he wanted to do was sleep. But his stomach was telling him that actually he needed to eat something. He assumed the room service would be incredible, so amazing that his stomach growled at the thought of it.

"Come to my room for room service, yeah?" Jack nudged him, waving off the concierge who took his cases off his hands. Sending the poor man a polite smile, Will agreed and told Jack that he would meet him in his room in half an hour. He still wanted to shower and text Parker to tell him that he'd arrived.

Their family all headed up to their respective rooms. Jack, Dylan and Will were on the top floor, and their parents were on the floor beneath them. As soon as he opened the door to his room, he flopped onto his bed and was glad to see that his suitcase had been placed in the corner of his room. Unlike the reception area of the hotel, his floor was carpeted and plush underneath his feet. He had floor length windows, as well as a balcony with a stunning view of the Eiffel Tower. The en-suite was all white and clean looking, with more golden accents to go with the whole theme of the hotel.

His fingers gripped the silk sheets between them as he sighed contently, happy that he would have a relaxing weekend with his family who for the most part, seemed to be getting along just fine. After lying there for about five minutes, he headed into the bathroom and stripped off, stepping into the warm water of the shower.

As soapy suds fell down his chest and onto the tiled floor, he thought about how amazing it would be to have Parker there with him. He imagined Parker stood in the shower with him, scanning his body with his ocean blue eyes and grasping Will's hips with his strong hands. His hair would be wet and wavy from the water, and his tattoos would be glistening underneath the bright lights. Droplets of water would roll down his toned body, falling off his smooth skin so gracefully while Parker roughly handled Will.

Taking a deep breath, Will opened his eyes and remembered where he was. Quickly he washed his body and hair, before stepping out of the shower and drying himself off with a fluffy, white towel. After putting on joggers and a plain t-shirt, he grabbed his phone that had been tossed on the bed and texted his boyfriend that he was in Paris and that he missed him.

Without waiting for a reply, he then headed to Jack's room across the hall and knocked on the door. His brother answered the door in only his underwear, causing Will to roll his eyes.

"Is Dylan coming, too?" Will asked as he walked further into the room that was identical to his own. Jack shook his head and went to his suitcase to pull out some clothes.

"Nah he's too tired. Said he'll see us for breakfast in the morning," Jack explained, lying on the soft bed after grabbing the menu from the nightstand.

"Right," Will replied with a yawn. "Do they do Pizza?"

"Yep. I might get garlic bread too, and ice cream. Want some?" Jack asked, picking up the hotel phone. Nodding, Will slumped down next to him and switched on the television. He was happy to see he could connect his phone to the TV, so he put on Modern Family on Netflix as they waited for their food to arrive.

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