Act Four: The Finale

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"I have something for you," Parker whispered, moving something from behind his back.

Will turned around so they were face to face, almost touching but not quite. Then he was handed a small black box, and his heart dropped. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat as he opened the box which revealed a golden ring.

"Shit," Will muttered. "What's this, Parker?"

"Just a gift. Don't worry, I'm not asking you to marry me or anything," Parker quickly reassured him after noticing how afraid Will looked.

Will let out a breath of relief, "Oh thank god." He smiled to himself, looking at the beautifully simple ring that Parker had gifted him. "It's beautiful."

Gently, Parker pulled it out of the box and placed it on index finger of his right hand. "I love you, Will."

"W-What?" Will stuttered.

Gulping, Parker repeated himself, "I love you so much."

Tearing up, Will sniffled and pulled the boy into a tight hug, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck.

"I love you," Will breathed out. "I do, I promise."

"Yeah?" Parker squeezed him tighter.

"Yeah, I love you."


"I love you," Parker mumbled against Will's skin, and he almost didn't hear him over the pulsating music. Almost. He reattached his lips to Will's, hands roaming underneath his shirt while Will's raked through Parker's white hair that he had now grown accustomed to.

"Jesus Christ didn't realise this was a fucking porno," A voice said, causing the couple to jump apart in shock.

Seeing who it was, Parker rolled his eyes and pulled away from Will, much to his dismay.

"Well if it isn't William Lockwood himself," The boy said, looking Will up and down.

"You remember Cruz, don't you?" Parker asked, wrapping an arm around Will's waist.

"Hmm, hard not to forget the boy who hospitalised my brother," Will smiled sarcastically.

"Oh please, I didn't hospitalise him. He was drunk. We got into a fight. No big deal," Cruz reminded him with a shrug. It was obvious he was trying to be friendly, but something in Will's stomach just wasn't sitting right. It was the way the boy looked at Parker, who for some reason couldn't sense how uncomfortable Will was.

They bantered back and forth like they were best friends, chatting for a solid five minutes before Cruz finally focused his attention on Will who hadn't said a word.

"So... I didn't realise the third Lockwood was gay," He commented. "And dating the infamous Parker Hayes. Bet Dylan loves that."

"He doesn't know, and you're not gonna tell him," Parker warned.

"Yeah right, I wouldn't go near your brothers with a twenty foot pole," Cruz told Will, despite the boy not having said a word to contribute to the one-sided conversation.

Parker chuckled, removing his arm from around Will to grab his drink. "I think if you went anywhere near that house you'd be shot on site, mate," Parker said as if Will wasn't there.

"To clue you in, Will. Me and your brother have never really got on. But no hard feelings. If Parker likes you then so do I. I best be off though, have a good one." Cruz smiled, grabbing a drink from the fridge before exiting.

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