~Chapter Thirty Seven~

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After Will dropped Parker off at home the same day, reluctantly he headed back to his own house. It was obvious the place was still a mess from Jack's party, and he cringed at the sight of strangers asleep in his living room as he entered the house. 

"Jack? Dylan?" Will called, sliding his shoes off his feet as he looked around for his brothers. Receiving no response, he shrugged and put the kettle on before checking the messages on his phone, of which there were many. 

From Colton:

Happy New Year! x

Smiling at the message, he replied and sent him the same text back. Immediately he felt guilty for not inviting him to his party, but honestly he just forgot. They only ever talked in school or when they did their projects together, but he really needed to make more of an effort to hang out with him. He was really sweet and they actually had a lot in common. 

The party wasn't that great anyway, and next year he might just celebrate at home. Next year. He could be in New York next year. That was something he still needed to talk to Parker about, because honestly the only thing that could prevent him from going was him. 

Unless he came with you. 

That was a stupid thought, he couldn't make Parker uproot his life for him. If he was going to leave it would most likely be on his own. But he thought back to the time Parker told him he couldn't lose Will, and how much he loved him. Maybe Parker would come? 

It was silly to think that far ahead anyway, he still had a few months to make a decision before he had to leave for the summer early admissions programme. Shaking his head, he checked his other messages and saw one from Violet, who was in France with her father for New Years. In addition he also had a text from Jo.

From Jo:

Me and Holden are officially done. Happy New Year to me

He cringed at the message, his heart aching for her. 

To Jo:

I'm really sorry, wanna talk about it? x

She didn't reply after that, so he just left it. After putting his phone away, he finished making his tea and sat at the island to drink it. All of a sudden everything felt so different. He knew things were going on, but he just didn't know what. Himself and Parker were so close now, and he wouldn't know what he would do without him, but he knew there was something going on. He wasn't an idiot. 

Part of him was in denial about the situation. But he knew it had something to do with his brothers and their past, and for some reason everybody had an issue with them. He thought back to Cruz last night, and the way he acted towards him. The way Parker acted with him freaked him out, because his boyfriend knew that he was uncomfortable. 

"Hey Will."

He looked up from his drink and sent Jack a small smile. "Hi."

"Have a good night? Where did you go? I didn't see you at the party," Jack questioned curiously.

"I had a few friends over at the lake house," He explained vaguely. 

"Oh right," Jack replied, eyeing his brother curiously. He hadn't actually met another one of Will's friends other than Violet, and it made him wonder who he actually hung out with. Of course there was that science kid that he did projects with, but who else was he friends with? The boy was never home now, so it was obvious he had other friends. 

"Anyway, how was your party?" Will asked, switching topics. 

His brother just shrugged, a deep sigh escaping his lips. "Honestly not that good. Violet is in France and Parker completely disappeared on me. I have no idea where he went, and he didn't answer my calls either."

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