~Chapter Fifty Six~

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WARNING: MENTION OF DRUG/SUBSTANCE ABUSE, RAPE, AND SUICIDE. If any of these topics could be emotionally distressing for you please do not read this chapter. If not, please read at your own risk. I do not condone any of these behaviours, and encourage readers who do struggle with any of these to seek help. 

The suicide prevention helpline in the UK is The Samaritans:

Tel: 116 123 or visit samaritans.org 

There is also a graphic scene, which may make some readers uncomfortable. 

The next morning Will and Xander decided to go for coffee. After yesterday there was some tension between them, and neither of them knew how to act. Will couldn't believe that Xander painted him and that's the reason he was given the opportunity to come to New York. If Parker ever found out there would be trouble, though it seemed like the two roommates were already in deep shit with each other. Parker was clearly upset that Xander and Will were in New York together, and Xander was just mad at Parker for being Parker. For months he had watched his friend fuck up his relationship, lie to his boyfriend and keep secrets from everyone. So that's why he no longer had pity for the man, because it was his own fault for breaking up with Will in the first place. 

Now Will had changed, and despite it not directly being Parker's fault, their break up was certainly the catalyst in causing Will to suddenly go off the rails. The eighteen year old insisted that he was fine, but that obviously wasn't true. The boy seemed to have old skeletons in his closet, and slowly they were being dug up. 

The coffee shop was in the city centre, and was called 'Angel's Delight'. He had been a few times before the last time he was here, and Will loved their delicious pastries for breakfast. Although they were spending the week together, Xander still insisted on staying in a hotel despite Will offering up a guest room. However maybe it was for the best considering the circumstances. 

Will knew that Xander was worried about him, but his plan today was to prove to him that he wasn't a child. He wasn't who everyone thought he was. It was important to make people see that this was him, and it was no one's fault that he was just as fucked up, if not more, as everybody else in the world. 

He met Xander outside of the café, glad to smell the familiar scent of freshly baked goods. He decided on a simple outfit today, black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt, along with his black Gucci sunglasses and leather jacket. 

"This isn't what I was expecting," Xander confessed as they walked into the quaint café. It was very small, and above it were a block of apartments in which the owner and his son, Sam, lived. Will remembered them from the last time he visited the city. They were both very friendly and such nice people, they deserved the business. 

"It's cute though, right?" Will asked rhetorically, looking at the menu board above the counter to see what he wanted for breakfast. Before Xander had a chance to reply, Will was already ordering for the both of them, insisting that he trusted him to get only the best selection of food choices. Obliging quietly, Xander picked a table in the corner while his friend ordered. 

"Will? Will is that you?" He heard someone say. Looking up from his phone, he met eyes with someone he knew, and immediately his face broke out into a wide smile. 

"Henry," Will breathed out, feeling himself being pulled into a tight hug. The arms around him felt familiar, and he felt a shiver go down his spine. 

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