~Chapter Seventeen~

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When Will and his family arrived at the restaurant, he of course expected to see Violet. However, what he didn't expect to see was a very handsome boy sat in one of the chairs beside her. The moment her eyes locked with Will's, her face flushed and she turned to say something to the boy.

"Will, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever," She said, giving him a hug. He hugged her back and didn't even try to act like he wasn't confused. He wanted to know who the boy was, and why he was at a family dinner of all places. It wasn't unusual for Dylan to bring Jasmine along, but she had been his girlfriend for a while now. Violet, on the other hand, wasn't known to have a boyfriend, so it was very brave of her to bring him here of all places.

"Who's the boy?" Will asked bluntly, trying to subtly glance at him without letting him know they were talking about him. The boy was blonde and had a great jawline, along with blue eyes and a charming smile. From the corner of his eye, he could see his brothers do a double take when they saw him too, Jack especially.

"He's my boyfriend..." Violet trailed off.

"Boyfriend?" Will repeated in shock. "Of how long?"

"About a month," She smiled sheepishly. "I know that's not very long, but I really like him and I wanted to bring him here. I've never met anyone like him... I think he might be the one. He's just so... incredible," She gushed.

Will was at a loss for words. Violet had never said anything like that about anyone. She sounded so sure about him, and for her to bring him home must have been a hard decision.

"What's his name?" Will questioned, smiling because he was happy for her best friend. Secretly, he was just relieved that she no longer had feelings for his brother. He wasn't sure he would be able to handle Jack and Violet together.

"Dimitri," She said in a fancy french accent.

Will nodded and sat down at the table, making sure he said hi to Violet's boyfriend of a month. They both seemed completely smitten with each other, so he was happy for them.

Jack, on the other hand, not so much. The whole dinner he had a scowl on his face, directed towards the couple. Everyone tried to ignore it, but it was too obvious to pretend not to notice.

Dylan elbowed him and whispered, causing Jack's scowl to be wiped off his face and be replaced by a sad look instead. In a way Will felt bad for his brother, but it was his own fault. Violet was too good for him and from what he knew, Jack had fucked up too many times to be forgiven.

Most things discussed were business related and Will was bored most of the night. Which was why he contemplated sending a text to a certain blue eyed guitar player. It had been a while since he'd been to one of Parker's gigs, but apparently there was one tomorrow which he would be attending with Jo and the rest of the group.

It seemed like no one was watching, so he opened his phone to see he already had a response from the boy to his earlier text.

From Parker: That's too bad. I'll speak to you later x

Will smiled.

To Parker: Can later be now? I'm bored and no one is talking to me. Violet has a new boyfriend x

The response was immediate, which made Will's heart flutter. Fuck.

From Parker: Really?

From Parker: Is he there? x

To Parker: Yeah and Jack looks mad x

From Parker: Oh

From Parker: Do you want me to come and get you? x

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