~Chapter Fifty Three~

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Arthur was eighteen when Parker knew him. Parker was nineteen. When they first met, they instantly clicked and neither were sure why. This wasn't like Will and Parker, who didn't seem to get along so well in the beginning. Maybe it was because Will was hard to read, a book that had so many chapters and with each page Parker read, he became so much more invested in the story that he couldn't stop reading. That was until the author stopped writing, and Parker was deprived of his ending. 

Arthur was a drug addict, and though he was troubled he was an open book. He had no secrets, no depth, no nothing. And perhaps Parker was convinced that he loved him, but his love for that boy was nothing compared to anything he felt for William Lockwood. Never in a million years would he have predicted he'd fall in love with a Lockwood, who were known to be manipulative, sneaky and good at hiding who they truly were. Their wealth and status gave them the power to do this, and every day since Arthur died, Parker had that fact looming over his head. A dark, black cloud hovering over him, threatening to storm if he ever forgot it. 

But Will was different. Yes, he was difficult to understand, but he wasn't manipulative, and he showed Parker who he truly was. He was so smart, much more intelligent than Parker that was for sure. Sweet, with only the best intentions. And finally, he was far more truthful than anyone in his family. Like a true Lockwood, however, he was admired by many and Parker hated that. 

Will could have anyone he wanted with the click of his fingers, a prince, a movie star or just anyone better than him. His biggest insecurity was feeling inferior to his boyfriend, and now that he was no longer with him, he realised that his biggest fear of seeing Will with someone superior in every way was likely to come true. 

Playing games with the Lockwoods was always dangerous, even with the ones who seemed less deadly. However letting himself fall for Will was just a rooky mistake, and he was definitely paying the price, one that he couldn't afford. 

But deep down he knew that he was never going to win, all he could so was survive the game. And to do that he needed to realise that the players were never going to change, and the Lockwoods would always be a part of his life. Parker was in too deep. Of course, he would never be rich like them, never have their status or the same amount of power. But in order to beat a Lockwood, he had to think like a Lockwood. He had to be sneaky.

Luckily for him, it seemed as though Jack had become somewhat of an ally in this losing battle, much to his surprise. After what happened at the hospital, he couldn't help but get the feeling that he was changing his mind about Will and Parker. Slowly but surely, he was starting to remember who Parker was before the incident. 

It was odd to think that Parker didn't know Will back then. The youngest Lockwood always laid low, and the first time they met was only just after Arthur died. It took him two years to finally speak to the boy, and it seemed that he had changed so much since then. 

At this current moment in time, Parker was sat in Jack's car, feeling uneasy to be in his presence after what happened at the hospital. Having Dylan drag him out was embarrassing, but what made it worse was how Will didn't object once. There was never a point where he looked willing to forgive his ex-boyfriend for everything he had done, and it diminished a little bit of the hope he had left. But he would still do anything to get him back. He was willing to play the game if surviving meant also getting Will back. 

"What did you want to tell me?" Jack asked him with a sigh, tapping his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. Part of getting Will back, also involved getting his best friend back. In order to do that, though, he had to tell him the truth about his brother. Dylan. The person who managed to ruin Parker's life, while simultaneously convincing everyone else around him that Parker ruined his. 

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