~Chapter Forty One~

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With all of the drama going on in his life recently, Will had almost neglected his studies completely. However he knew that in order to be successful and get the grades he needed for Columbia, he had to do well in his exams. Though his University place was pretty secure, he had to ensure he got good results, otherwise they'd revoke his place in the early admissions programme.

Which was why he was sat in the school library with Colton, who was going through Chemistry notes with him. Neither of them needed help with understanding the subject, but it was always nice to have company.

"So, have you applied for any Universities yet?" He asked as he finished writing the answer to a homework problem. Will looked up from his notes and smiled at him, the thought of sharing the news with him still daunting.

"Yeah I... I actually have a place at Columbia... In New York," He explained sheepishly, watching the way his friend's eyes lit up in excitement. Though he was quiet, he had always been so supportive of any of Will's decisions. He felt bad that they never spent a lot of time together out of school, and he knew he needed to make more of an effort. However he didn't really know Colton that well. Did he have many friends outside of school? He must have since they ran into each other at Holden's party. He wondered how he knew Holden, and if he knew Parker.

"That's amazing, congratulations," Colton said with a bright smile.

"I'm not even sure that I'm gonna go, but thanks. Where have you applied to?" Will questioned, not wanting to talk about leaving. However it seemed that Colton did, because a deep frown graced his lips as soon as he mentioned not going to New York.

"I've applied for Oxford, but I don't think I'm going to get in," He admitted with a shrug. Immediately Will felt guilty, because his parents had managed to get him an interview there which he turned down. And even when he did turn the interview down, the university told him they would hold his place in case he changed his mind. If only he could reserve a place for Colton, because he really deserved it.

"Have they said anything about an interview?" Will asked.

"Yeah and I have one. But still... the chances of me getting in are so slim," Colton argued with a sigh.

"Have some faith in yourself. You're so sweet, and smart, and if anyone deserves a place it's you," Will reassuringly told him.

Blushing at his words, Colton smiled at him shyly before saying, "I really think you would be stupid not to go to New York. You'd fit in there."

"Fit in?" Will chuckled nervously.

"It's where... people that should be adored live. You have L.A. which is where the wannabe-loved live, but New York is where the successful people live. You're made for that city. That city is made for you. You don't belong here," Colton explained with a shrug.

"That's flattering, but I don't know who you think I am," Will said, fiddling awkwardly with his fingers, unsure of how to take the compliment. "I'm not some movie star or supermodel. What if the city just swallows me whole?"

"Have some faith in yourself," Colton repeated Will's earlier words. "You're sweet, smart and people will adore you. Staying here does you no justice, Will." He looked at his watch, and realised that they really should be getting home.

"I'm sorry we haven't hung out a lot this year," Will blurted. Colton paused, obviously confused as to why his friend was apologising. There was nothing to apologise for.

"Don't be sorry," Colton nonchalantly replied. "I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow in class." He waved. Will nodded and watched him leave, packing away his work into his backpack. He needed to go home and pack for France anyway, which was tomorrow. Shit. He totally forgot to tell Colton that he wouldn't even be in school tomorrow because it was Violet's Father's wedding. Immediately he felt even more guilty.

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