~Chapter Twelve~

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When Parker didn't return from the bathroom, Will knew he must have left. It was for the best though, they couldn't keep doing what they were doing. Their kiss just messed everything up and proved that them being together, couple or not, was a bad idea. He wished it wasn't like that, but Parker said he had no feelings for him and he had to accept that. It was for the best that they weren't friends at all, and Parker was happy for him, which at this point was all he wanted.

However, he wished his home life could be sorted in such a simple way. He hadn't talked to Jack or Violet since he found out, despite their best efforts to talk to him. Although he knew it was inevitable, he just didn't want to face them. Finding out that his best friend and his brother were in a relationship that he didn't even know about really hurt. Honestly, if they had told him from the beginning, he wouldn't have been as mad, but it explained so much.

For example, the time he found them arguing on the driveway all made sense now. No wonder Jack was so angry Violet slept with one of his friends when supposedly they had been in a relationship. Broken up or not it was a shitty thing of Violet to do. On the other hand, maybe she had a right to do that if Jack treated her like shit just as Parker said. It annoyed him that he didn't know any details and therefore couldn't make a fair judgement.

The situation as a whole wasn't exactly the best, but he needed answers. And he wasn't going to get answers by doing and saying nothing.

Which is why he sent Violet a text asking her to come over so they can talk. Jack was already home and apparently didn't have plans, so now was the perfect time to sort everything out. He didn't know how difficult that would be considering the pair had broken up, but he hoped that they would be civil and explain themselves. Of course, Violet agreed to come over and said she would be ten minutes. It was always extremely convenient that his best friend lived just next door.

As soon as the doorbell was heard, Will took a deep breath and opened it, seeing Violet there in her outfit that she wore to school. Though it was difficult, the boy had managed to avoid Violet both Monday and Tuesday at school, just telling Matthew he felt like skipping lunch and going to make out in their secret spot under the stairs. And if it weren't for the making out part, Matthew would have been suspicious, but he wasn't.

"Hey," She said, smiling at him hesitantly. She still didn't know where their friendship stood at this point, was dating his brother entirely friendship ruining, or could she be forgiven. She really hoped they could work things out. If she lost her friendship with Will over a boy she'd be furious with herself.

"Hi, um, Jack's in the kitchen, so we'll talk there," He explained, motioning for her to come inside. The walk to the kitchen was short, but it felt like forever. The three of them were silent when they were all finally in one place, and it was Will that sliced through the tension by clearing his throat and speaking.

"One of you needs to talk, you both owe me an explanation," He deadpanned, taking a seat on one of the bar stools. After another minute of silence, the boy just shook his head, going to leave. But he was stopped by his brother who grabbed his arm.

"No, Will, I'm sorry okay? I get why you're hurt," Jack began. "We can explain."

"Then do it."

"It's complicated," Violet finally spoke up.

"I have time," Will said, folding his arms over his chest.

"It was the night of my party, you know the one where Parker punched you?" Jack told the beginning of the story.

His brother nodded and said, "Yeah I remember."

"Okay, well... There's no other way to say this other than after you passed out, I ended the party, and most people left. Except Violet didn't, cause she was taking care of you and she only lives next door, so it was easy for her to get home anyway," He shrugged. Violet sighed, feeling sick thinking about what they did that night while Will was recovering from the blow he received.

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