~Chapter Thirty Nine~

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"Parker what happens now? They're sending Dylan to rehab," Will asked, still in shock from hearing the news. Honestly Parker didn't know either, as it seemed as if Will's parents never really cared enough to even think about dealing with Dylan's problems. However if Dylan faced charges then this could damage their reputation as a family, and therefore rehab was probably the only alternative.

"He does have a problem, though. Maybe it's what's best for him?" Parker softly suggested, brushing the hair out of his boyfriend's eyes which were damp with tears.

"Nobody even tried to help before. I didn't even try to help him, and now he's gonna be stuck in some prison alone," Will choked out.

"It's a rehabilitation centre, not prison. They're nice places. They're clean and actually helpful. Dylan's troubled and he needs the help, and he could get help there," Parker assured him, trying to make his boyfriend feel slightly better about the situation.

"Yeah but..." Will trailed off, knowing that Parker was right. It was likely that their parents would pay for a nice place for Dylan, and he would actually be taken care of. The news just shocked him that's all. All of the angst about his brother had been leading up to this, and now he was finally going to get the help that he needed. 

"You can't blame yourself, Will. You didn't know how to help him and that's okay," Parker said reassuringly.

"He broke into Holden' flat. Holden. What's even going on there? What on earth was he thinking? Was he looking for something?" Will had so many questions, and this just made him more suspicious about his brothers and their past. There were so many things that they kept from him and he wanted to know it all. He was so unbelievably sick of being kept in the dark, because nothing made sense. Dylan's rivalry with Parker didn't make sense, nor did Dylan's alcohol addiction and Holden saying things about Parker at the New Years party.

"I-I don't know..." Parker lied.

"Do you seriously know nothing?" Will asked with an accusing tone.

"Holden and Dylan have never been friends. Dylan was drunk, so who knows what he was thinking?" Parker knew exactly what Will's brother was thinking. The fact that he came knocking at Holden's door the night before just showed how determined he was to get into the flat.

"There must have been a reason though. You don't just break into someone's home, especially Dylan. He's not like that," Will said more to himself than to his boyfriend. It was obvious there was something else going on there. Yes, Dylan was an alcoholic but for him to go to Holden's flat, out of all people, suggests there was a reason for him going there.

"He's not like that? Will, have you ever considered the fact that maybe you don't know your brothers as well as you think you do?" Parker questioned, looking him dead in the eye.

"What? And you do? I may not know everything I need to but Dylan is not a bad person, he just has a problem. For him to break into a flat, get arrested, there must have been something else going on. He wouldn't do that," Will determinedly said. "I think I should go."

"Will you don't have to leave," Parker told him with a deep sigh.

"My brother just got arrested. I think I do, Parker. I really thought you'd have more sympathy." Will shook his head, standing up and removing himself from Parker's grip. He needed to go. Jack was probably worried out of his mind and his parents were most likely waiting for him to go home. He didn't even know where Dylan was, if he was at home or if he was still with the police. He prayed that Holden didn't press charges, but any reasonable person would.

"I do have sympathy Will. I just..." Parker didn't finish.

"You just what, Parker?"


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