~Chapter Twenty Six~

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It was a freezing, winter evening and Parker's flat was filled with many guests, Will being one of them. His face snuggled into his boyfriend's neck, feeling Parker kiss the top of his head softly. 

Empty beer bottles covered the coffee table in their tiny living room, and Will's mind was a bit hazy. It had started out as just Will, Parker and Xander but later into the night Jo and Holden arrived with more booze and then Jasmine made an appearance. And although his mind was a little foggy, he could tell Jasmine was happier without his brother. 

Dylan could be toxic. It was for the best they had broken up. He wondered what Parker was like when he was with Jasmine, not in a jealous way but more in a curious way. His boyfriend wasn't a relationship person, but he was in a long term relationship with Jasmine before he cheated on her. Would Parker ever cheat on him? He hoped not. 

"I'm gonna go get another drink," Will told his boyfriend, kissing the boy's lips softly. The group around them groaned, sick of seeing the continuous public displays of affection. Parker rolled his eyes and flicked them off as Will left the room. 

He loved Parker and Xander's kitchen. It was small but it was homely, with a bread bin and an old kettle for making tea. The fridge was covered in old family photos held up by tacky magnets from various souvenir shops that the pair had visited. 

Will's home was nothing like this. Everything was kept tidy and modern, with nothing tacky that could ruin the perfect decor. When he opened the fridge door, he wasn't surprised to see the lack of any actual food but a substantial amount of alcohol for them to drink. He grabbed one for himself and one for Parker too, knowing it would save him a trip to the kitchen when Will got back. 

"How come no one knows you and Parker are dating? Or that you're gay, for that matter?" Someone asked. Will turned towards the voice, knowing it was Jasmine who he supposed had a right to be curious. There was nothing accusing about her tone, if anything she sounded concerned. "I had no idea you were dating until today."

She wasn't wrong. Jasmine just turned up and learned when she saw it with her own eyes. It was the first boy she had actually seen Parker with since he came out to her, and it was weird knowing it was her ex boyfriend's little brother. Will even felt like a younger brother to her, so of course she was concerned when she found out he was dating Parker of all people. 

"My family's reaction. Anyone's reaction, I guess," Will shrugged. "You know what Jack and Dylan are like firsthand. I can't tell them."

Jasmine couldn't argue with him. Dylan despises Parker, and she couldn't help but think back to only recently when Dylan turned up at her home only to end up beating Parker badly. The way Parker handled that situation was very different to how he would have handled that in the past, so now she thought Will had something to do with this sudden change in attitude. 

"Yeah, I know what they're like," She sighed, Dylan coming into her head. "How did it happen?" 

Will chuckled, "I don't even know." He opened the two bottles with the bottle opener, hearing the satisfying noise of the metal cap coming off the tops. "So much has happened that we started gravitating towards each other. The first time was at one of his gigs."

"You go to his gigs?" Jasmine asked, shocked. 

"I do, yeah," He nodded. 

"Will how does nobody have any idea about this?" 

"Violet knows, by accident. Pretty much everyone does apart from Jack and Dylan. They can't know, though," Will gave her a pleading look. 

Immediately she nodded furiously, "I agree. They can't know..." She let out a long, sad sigh. "How's Dylan doing?"

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