~Chapter Thirty Five~

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Christmas Eve had finally rolled around the corner, and like something out of a film, snowflakes were falling over the streets of London. It was early, and Will had decided to go and see Parker at his flat for breakfast so they could give each other their gifts. It would have been amazing to spend Christmas with his boyfriend, but that wasn't possible. Xander was going out of town to see his family, and Parker was spending Christmas with his Mum and Elliot. 

As he stepped out of his car, he adjusted his woolly hat and made sure to be careful when getting Parker's gift out of the boot. Then he rushed through the snow and up the steps of the flat building, knocking on the door excitedly as he waited for his boyfriend to answer. 

A few moments later the door swung open, and Parker just smiled at the rosy cheeked boy stood in front of him. He stepped aside to let him in, and he chuckled at the pom pom on Will's hat. 

"Merry Christmas, beautiful," Parker greeted him, kissing Will before he even had a chance to remove his winter coat. The younger boy just hummed in approval, smiling into the kiss. 

"Merry Christmas," Will replied, pecking the boy's lips once more before taking his coat off, and slipping his boots from his feet. Underneath, his fuzzy socks were revealed and Parker recognised them as the pair he was wearing the first day they met. 

"Nice socks," Parker complimented jokingly, causing his boyfriend to blush and swat him playfully. However he became distracted when a pleasant smell floated up his nostrils, and automatically his feet led him to the source. 

"You made breakfast?" Will looked at the large selection of breakfast foods on the kitchen table, ranging from fruit to pancakes to cereal. He was in awe. 

"I did," Parker announced, coming up behind Will to wrap his arms around the boy. Gently, he placed a kiss on the back of his neck, causing him to shiver. "Now tuck in, we have gifts to open and a limited amount of time before we're wanted elsewhere." 

Not arguing, the younger boy took a seat at the table and the couple ate breakfast together. He tried to eat a piece of everything, but Parker had made so much food that if he attempted to eat it all he would end up being a stone heavier before the new year began. 

"So, what did you get Elliot for Christmas?" Will asked casually, the mention of his brother making Parker tense. 

"A few games for his Xbox, a new football kit and sweets and stuff," Parker answered, thinking about how his gifts couldn't really be used if he was stuck in hospital. A few days ago they had said he was fine to go home for Christmas, however he had only become worse since then. Now their family was spending Christmas at the hospital. 

"Aw that's sweet. I kind of got him a little something. I wasn't sure what he was actually into, so I just bought him this," Will told him, disappearing into the hall for a moment before returning with two neatly wrapped gifts. "There's one for Elliot and one for your mum," He explained, pointing at the tags that had their names written in cursive writing. 

"Wow Will I... I don't know what to say this is so kind of you. You didn't have to get them anything... Thank you so much," Parker sighed, pulling his boyfriend into a tight hug.

"They're your family. I wanted to." Will shrugged. Then he grabbed Parker's hand and led them to the living room. After taking a seat on the couch, Parker watched as Will walked back into the hall, only to return with a large box which he placed in front of him. 

"What's this?" Parker questioned with a smile, eyes wide in amazement at the size. 

"Open it," Will encouraged. 

"Fuck, Will this is massive," Parker commented, chucking when his boyfriend giggled at him struggling to tear the gold and pink wrapping paper. "I thought we said gifts were going to be small?" 

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