~Chapter Eighteen~

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The next morning Will's alarm went off and woke him up for school. He didn't have too long left at school until he was off for Christmas, but it didn't make it any more bearable. That morning Violet's driver was supposed to be taking them, so he needed to be ready by eight-thirty.

Breakfast could be smelled all the way from his room, so he assumed the chef was there to make breakfast. He was the only one in the house that was actually awake, and he envied his brothers and the fact they didn't have to attend school anymore. However, neither of them had bothered to get a sustainable job, not even at their parents' business where they were both offered placements. Jack was still doing the whole Porn thing, but it seemed like he was getting tired of it, judging by the fact he didn't show up to work half of the time.

He ate breakfast alone and got ready for school, putting on his usual black jeans and this time a Gucci jumper. Violet's driver was waiting outside at eight-thirty on the dot, and he was surprised to see that Dimitri, her boyfriend, was also in the back of the car.

"Oh hi," Will smiled.

"Bonjour," Dimitri greeted him.

"Dimitri is just coming with us to drop us off. He has to go back to Paris while we're at school, so he wanted to say goodbye," Violet explained and Will nodded. On their short journey to school Will figured out that either Dimitri wasn't very talkative, or he just didn't want to talk to Will.

However, he didn't want to make any assumptions, the boy seemed sweet enough, especially if he was sweet enough to travel all the way here for Violet. London was nowhere near as nice as Paris. And he was proved to be sweet when he kissed Violet goodbye, and told Will he wished to see him soon.

It seemed Violet was truly happy with him, and he was glad. Looking back, Violet wasn't as happy when she was with Jack.

While the pair said their goodbyes, Will pulled out his phone, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw a text from Parker. The messages and late night phone calls were becoming more frequent, and now Parker would text him about the most trivial things, but Will loved it.

From Parker: How's your morning going ? :) x

Will couldn't help but smile to himself. 

Ever since that night they spent together, the thought of Parker just put a smile on his face. He knew it was wrong and he was getting himself into a bad situation, but he couldn't help his feelings. Not that he had feelings for the boy or anything. They just happened to get along really well and he enjoyed talking about the most trivial and unimportant things with him.

To Parker: It's been interesting... How about yours? x

The response was immediate.

From Parker: Interesting? That's quite ominous. x

From Parker: My morning is going well so far. It would be better if you agreed to lunch with me, though? x

To Parker: Well, Violet brought her new boyfriend to school with her today :/ And I can't do lunch, I'm helping Violet out on the prom committee x

It was only a few days ago that Violet announced she was in charge of the prom committee. He was shocked, to say the least. Because one, since when did British schools have prom committees? And two, when did Violet decide she suddenly wanted all of this responsibility. A lot of the time she missed school because of visiting her dad, so meetings probably wouldn't be frequent and work wouldn't be the most consistent.

Which is why he offered to help her out, because there was no way she could handle this on her own- as much as he hated admitting he was actually on a prom committee.

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