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There he was, talking to Mr. Delmar in what seemed like the same attitude he gave last time. He looked irritated and slightly angry as the deli owner continued to write something down on his notepad. Rick wasn't paying attention to Luna, not even realizing that she had walked in, but that didn't ease her nerves one bit.

She should run, bolt out the door before he notices her. However, Luna physically couldn't move from her spot as she continued to stare in horror. Her breathing became heavy and she knew what would happen if Rick just turned around and made eye contact with her. If he saw her here, during school hours, she would officially be dead.

"Luna?" Peter whispered, his voice not fazing the girl. He kept his eyes on Rick, but still tried to get Luna's attention. The boy didn't know what to do, especially because he had been curious on who this man was, and now it was clear that Luna knew him.

Before Peter could react, Luna quickly turned around and ran out the door like her life depended on it, having the door slam behind her. Mr. Delmar's attention turned to Peter, having Rick glance as well.

The boy didn't have time to explain before he had to swiftly turn around as well and run out of the deli in hopes to catch Luna if she decided to run off somewhere. The breeze hit his face, blowing his hair in all directions as he looked around.

"Shit." He muttered to himself, searching for his phone in his jean pockets.

He figured that she had probably started running back towards the school, which he hoped had happened instead of her wandering somewhere else. Peter started jogging, passing people along the way as he scanned around the streets.

What the hell happened?

Peter had never seen Luna look so terrified. It scared him to see her like that and not even know the reasoning behind it.

The boy ran passed an alley, immediately turning back once realizing that he saw a figure in there. He squinted his eyes, the darkness not helping him point out if this person was Luna or some homeless person.

Thankfully, he saw the girl's brown hair and sighed in relief as he spotted her pacing around the alley.

Peter wasted no time in stepping into the dark space, the side of the buildings being old and dirty. The boy remembered this particular spot, always leaving his backpack in here while he was patrolling as Spider-Man. However, he stopped coming here once his backpack kept on being stolen and resulted in him always having to ask his aunt for a new one.

Peter came into sight, startling Luna as she stopped pacing and jumped back. She looked at the boy, her eyes wide and watery as tears streamed down her cheeks. The sight made Peter's heart ache.

"Hey," Peter spoke softly, stepping closer to the girl. "What happened back there?"

Luna violently shook her head, stepping away from Peter as he tried getting closer to her.

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