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There was nothing that Luna wanted more than to crash on her own bed for the rest of the night. She was walking home from school after a tiring day of dealing with complicated assignments and cranky teachers.

Luna was eager to get home and go into her room for the rest of the night, but she was surprised to see Shannon sitting at the small dining room table as she patiently waited for her daughter to come home.

Shannon was still processing everything that happened a few weeks ago, and Luna knew that she was having a hard time coping with it. The woman continued with her normal life just like Luna, but it was obvious that she was still struggling. The two didn't really talk about Vince ever since that night, so the situation was still unresolved.

"Hey," Shannon greeted, watching as Luna slowly approached the table. "How was school?" She quietly asked.

Luna nodded, setting her bag down. "Fine."

Shannon bit her lip, taking in a deep breath as she looked at her daughter. "I was hoping we could talk."

The brunette was prepared for this, mostly because the tension between them was still very much there.

"Okay," Luna replied, taking a seat across from her mother. "About what?"

"Everything." Shannon dryly chuckled as she shook her head. The woman looked exhausted, and Luna was able to see the dark bags under her eyes. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun messy bun and it was obvious that she was in sweats all day. Luna felt guilty for how her mom was taking all of this.

"You know, the day you were born was the best day of my life." Shannon smiled, sighing and shaking her head in thought. "I remember how excited your dad was the entire time I was in labor." She told the girl. "I wanted to kill him for annoying me so much."

Luna chuckled, feeling emotional as Shannon brought up her dad. It had been so long since they've even mentioned him to each other.

"You were the most beautiful little baby I've ever seen. I felt so blessed to be your mother."

Luna looked down, staring at her fingers as she picked at her jeans.

"Your father was such a good dad, and you loved him so much when you were a baby." Shannon smiled at her. "He always knew how to make you stop crying when I couldn't."

"Mom," Luna looked up at the woman. "Why are we talking about this?" Her voice was weak. Luna didn't want to come off as rude when it came to this subject, but she didn't understand why her mother was bringing up the past all of a sudden.

"I've been thinking a lot lately," Shannon quietly replied. "And I just need to get this off my chest."

The girl stared at her mom, and she was able to see just how genuine she was being. Shannon's eyes held so much sorrow, and it was enough for Luna to hear what she had to say. 

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