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It was such a foreign feeling for 16 year old Luna Pearce. Her whole world changed so drastically since the events of the day before, already feeling the body crushing weight being lifted off her shoulders. Luna never thought she would be dealing with this type of situation, one that consisted of herself finally being able to relax without the constant horror of Rick watching her whenever he was around. It had only been a day, but Luna has never felt more alive.

The girl woke up to her morning alarm, the sunlight peaking in through her curtains that shined directly in her face.

It was a Friday morning, nothing different going on as the girl went on with her normal routine. She got up, took a shower, and put on the clothes she always normally wore. Luna thought she would've been in a better on this particular morning, but she felt exactly the same.

It still didn't feel real that Luna's viscous step father was no longer in the picture, but then again it had only been a day. It felt weird knowing that she didn't have to rush through her morning, making sure to leave the apartment at the exact time Rick always told her to.

The torment that the young teenager had to deal with was finally over, and the girl still didn't fully process it. She felt that there was no hope, and that her life was stuck being like this forever, but things somehow managed to work itself out. Luna didn't feel happy, not even close. It would take a long time before she could be happy again. However, she felt relieved.

There was a something on the back of Luna's mind that was telling her that Rick wasn't gone, and that her mom kicking him out wouldn't completely get rid of him, but she tried her best not to worry about it. Everything would only get better from here on out, the girl had to make herself believe that.

The walk to school was short, consisting of Luna attempting to gather around her jumbled thoughts. Her mind was all over the place since last night and she didn't know how to feel. She had the same feelings as she did everyday, a feeling of confusion and loss. It was definitely going to take time before the girl could get back to normal.

After all, it had been a whole year.

With a big huff, Luna rummaged through her locker, shoving her physics and math book in her bag. Students were walking up and down the halls like they always did throughout the school day. God, school was so irritating. Luna didn't see a point in coming to this hell every single day. It sucked, and she still had 2 more years to go after her sophomore year ends.


The girl turned around, raising an eyebrow as she easily spots her redhead friend sprinting towards her with a large grin plastered on her face. Luna never understood how Aubrey Morgan was always so happy this early in the morning.

"Hey." Luna muttered, offering a tight lipped smile towards the redhead as she made her way over.

Aubrey smiled in return, adjusting her plaid skirt. "I have a proposition for you."

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