Chapter 23 : When will you come back ???

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[It's been 40+ days since I updated. Like a WHOLE MONTH and several more days. Here's the reason : My family & I are at my grandma's house for a vacation until school starts. My grandma has no wifi or signal whatsoever; and when we visit our own house every 3-7 days, I get busy with other apps. So...Sorry. I know I can still write offline and just publish when we visit again; buuut, along with that, I'm lazy.]

Story's Date : May 9, 2019; Thursday

(This is gonna be one heck of a chapter)

Narrator's POV :

Kariya and Kirino's parents talked for a very long time, and as soon as it got dark, they finished their interesting conversation. "Thank you for coming here, Kariya. It's such a pleasure to meet you." The mother told him happily.

Both parents adored Kariya and they both thought that their daughter made the right choice in dating him than any other guy. They absolutely LOVED him, and was so interested in his stories that even they didn't notice it was already 6:45 P.M. Though, once they did realize the time, they sent him home.

"You should go home, Kariya. You need rest, and your guardians are probably worried about you." Horuto then added to his wife's statement as the look of delight painted across his face.

"Okay then. Thank you for this very day, Mr. And Mrs. Kirino. But there's still one thing that's bothering me..." He suddenly whispered.

"What is it, dear ?"

"Where's Ranny...?"

The girl struggled to get out of the chair she was tied on. The ropes were too tight and they made red marks on her pale skin.

She tried screaming out for help, but the kidnapper shut her up by tying a dirty cloth on her mouth. It smelt and felt disgusting, but she had to deal with it. She was scared...scared for her life, scared for her family's life. What will she do ? She needed to get out of this place FAST.

Before more words came into her mind, she heard a big *BANG*, so as an instinct, she yelped in shock and fear.

"Poor girl. Got kidnapped for her parents' mistake." A voice suddenly spoke. She was still shocked at the sudden bang, but still looked at the source of the voice. There, she found; the man whom she talked to days ago. 'He was the one who asked me where my parents are ! B-But wait....what...w-what mistake ?'

The man ripped the cloth from her mouth and let her speak; like he knew she wanted to say something.

"What do you mean...'my parents' mistake'...? What did they do ?" She asked in curiosity. She wondered why she was kidnapped, and what the kidnapper meant by what he said. So many things were going on that she couldn't even keep up with it.

"Oh, you didn't know...? So they kept it from you, huh ?" He smirked.

"Well...let me tell you this. Your parents and I were once business partners. We met when a meeting here in Tokyo was held by the prime minister. Right then and there we always supported each other's businesses. I never lied to them; and they never lied to me...or so I thought. Once, they promised me that they'll donate 1 Million Yen, but those bastards never did. And to add to that unfortunate event, they stole my business ! Now they have to pay...with YOU."

She listened in pure fear as she took in what the man had told.

'No...They'll never do that...They are honest and loyal to their business and partners...They couldn't possibly do that...could they ?' So many questions roamed around her head. Though before one of them was answered; she saw the man dialling someone. She didn't know who; but she was too scared to know.

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