Chapter 42 : Oh No...

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Story's Date : June 1, 2019; Saturday

Narrator' s POV :

Ranmaru and Masaki has always been the ideal couple. They never fought in their entire time of dating. They fit perfectly for each other and their love was really strong. It's as if nothing can ever break them. Well...that's what they thought.

It was one of those especially rainy days where the sky was super dark and your boyfriend came over with a bunch of snacks and stuffed animals. "Masaki, you didn't have to bring all of this..." Ranny said, looking at his boyfriend with a mix of amusement and concern (for his wallet). "It's alright Riri, I bought it just for you." Masaki smiled. They were in Ranmaru's bedroom, sitting on the bed while "Salute" by Little Mix played on the speaker. The two thought and agreed about playing games on their Nintendo switches. "We need all these just in case we get hungry while playing." He said with a smile, reassuring his girlfriend it was fine (and that his wallet was okay).

Ranmaru shrugged after a moment, just glad her lover came to the rescue from boredom. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:36 PM. 'Still enough time for video games' she said, looking back at her adorable boyfriend. "Alright, let's play." She said, now smiling. An incredibly large grin spread over the tealhead's features, showing how excited he was for game night. The girl laughed at how easy it was to make the other happy. All you have to do is agree to play "Magic Duelists X™" with him. (Not a real game. I made it up.)

Soon, they prepared the snacks and drinks, stuffed animals by their sides to support them. They started the game and it loaded for a few moments before it opened to the opening.

Play «
Continue Game

Are you ready to fight for your country ?

It said. It was a wizard game, as Ranmaru liked to call it. They pressed on the button to press "Play" and duo started with their quests. After several minutes (maybe 40 minutes after they played), Ranmaru got bored. Again. She looked beside her to find an extremely happy Masaki. He was really addicted to this game, wasn't he ? Ranny didn't want to ruin his fun, so she continued playing. After, once again, several minutes (this time 10), she decided to tell him that she didn't want to play this game anymore. "Hun, I don't wanna play this anymore." She said, earning a look of surprise from the other. "It's isn't even about an hour yet since we played though." He sighed.

"Okay, you can quit. I'm just gonna play for a little longer." The teal said, looking back at the screen of his device. Truthfully, he was upset she didn't want to play with him anymore, but what can he do ? It was her decision to quit the game. As for Ranmaru, all she wanted was to cuddle with him. She expected that their 'game night' would actually just be them cuddling while talking, eating and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. She didn't want to just lay down and play some game.

From there she tried to make a move. Trying to hold his hand, only for it to be swept away after 5 seconds. Cuddling him, only to hear "I have to finish this first, babe. I'll cuddle later." Trying to kiss his cheek, only for him to dodge so he can focus. It made Ranmaru annoyed at first, then mad, then angry. She gave up when he dodged her again, now showing annoyance in her face. She got off the bed aggressively and stormed off to the kitchen, earning another surprised look from Masaki. The teal, after contemplating whether or not he should see if she was okay, he followed. He walked the halls and down the stairs, making his way to the girl. When he reached the kitchen, there he saw her, sitting on the kitchen counter while she talked to someone.

"Can you come over ? Please. He doesn't want anything to do with me tonight and I feel lonely. You'll come ? Thank you ! I'll wait for you in the front gate. Also, if you come, ignore him at all costs, okay ? Bye bye Sese !" She said, and she hung up on the phone. She was smiling now, happy that the 'someone' was coming to the rescue for her. "Who was that ?" Masaki asked, walking to her with a suspicious look. "None of your business." She said, crossing her arms and jumping off the counter where she sat. "Ranmaru, who were you talking to ?" He asked again, but only to be ignored and walked pass by. She was angry at him for not giving her attention. It was supposed to he their night together, and they weren't supposed to spend it doing their own stuff. That wasn't what this was about. Yet here they are in this situation, where Masaki was pestering her with his question all the while she went outside for a certain someone.

After a few minutes, a Ferrari pulled up on the driveway and a familiar person walked out of it. It was Kyousuke. "I'm here, Rann-Nee. And I bought you sushi." He said, holding up the plastic bag that held the food. "Thanks Sese ! Come in !" She walked side by side with him all the way to the kitchen. Masaki knew they were only cousins, but he still felt jealous of him. He noticed that the duo were really close, and it made him irritated. Shouldn't he be the one walking side by side with her while talking about random things ? Yeah, that should have been him. Should have.

In that moment, he realized where he had gone wrong immediately and felt sorry for both her and himself. He shouldn't have done that. After all, he knew his girlfriend's definition of "game night" was to just have a relaxing moment together, hugging and laughing. He knew that his girlfriend felt lonely with him pushing her back. It was terrible. He was terrible. Just how much of a bad boyfriend could he possibly be ? With his selfishness for playing, he was replaced by her cousin. With a sigh, the defender told himself that he should go, and that he didn't deserve even being with her tonight from how he's been acting. "I-I'm gonna go...I shouldn't bother you guys anymore that I have had. See you on Monday..." His heart was aching and his eyes began to water. Ranmaru watched him walk away from them, right hand clutching his chest area and the other supporting the right's elbow. She felt bad, but he brought it upon himself.

'It's the consequence for leaving me alone...'
Now this is just sad...I don't remember the last time I ever made something happy...Well, that's why the title changed to "The Mounting Breakdown". I wonder what will happen on Monday, what do you think ? As always, that's all for today and BYEEEEEE !!!!

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