Chapter 34 : What are you so angry about !?

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Story's Date : May 23, 2019; Thursday

Narrator's POV :

It was a Thursday today and fortunately, Kidokawa Seishuu had a suspension of classes due to upgrading some of the school's rooms and adding more things to make it nicer. Everyone was excited to see their new school, but they were more than happy to get a break from their schoolwork this semester.

The students were all meeting up in different places and hanging out together; which Yoshihiko and Sousuke were included in. The brothers thought about all the possible places that they could visit. "How about the town park ?" The younger Taki suggested. "No. There will be a lot of students there considering the fact that the park is huge and popular." Sousuke replied to his brother. "How about the "Secret Garden" ? I heard from my classmates that it was a beautiful place." "Nah."

They kept thinking hard on all the venues this town had. Ice cream parlors, malls, stores, anything ! Until they landed on something that caught their eyes. They looked at each other and said in unison with a smile.

"Let's go to the haunted house."


There they were. In front of the spooky building that yelled "Scary" in their faces.

The haunted house was in the very back of the amusement park, just behind the creepy forest that made everything more eerie.

Yes, it was large simply because it was the main attraction of the whole place

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Yes, it was large simply because it was the main attraction of the whole place. There were all sorts of ghosts and monsters that were looking at them from inside the house which made Yoshihiko scared already. "It's a do or be bored situation; and nothing's worse than being bored." Sousuke said, gripping tightly at his brother's smaller hand. He was scared too, but he decided not to show it to be able to prove that "he can protect his beloved brother at all costs". With a deep breath, he turned to the younger male as the other looked back.

"Ready, Yoshi ?"

"...I'm ready Nii-san."

Then they went inside to have a spooky ride.

(Rhyme intended)


The monsters and the spook was too much for Yoshihiko. He swore he felt himself pee his pants a little. They were all coming near him like they want to eat him whole or something. He felt some of them touch his arm or pull him a little. All of them made him one step to crying in the middle of the whole house. "Are you okay ?" His brother asked, who clearly saw the fear in his eyes. "I-I'm fi— AHH !" One of the zombies suddenly attacked him from behind to scare him and it made the younger Taki jump up and hug Sousuke tightly. There the older heard the other's sobs and with sympathy and care, he carried him as he continued walked.

"N-Nii-san..." Yoshihiko's voice was hoarse and he couldn't stop crying out of pure fear. "'s okay...I've got you." He held on the younger male tightly to show reassurance that he will go nowhere. "T-They're all s-scary...I w-wanna go home..." The soccer player cried. Hearing this, Sousuke wasted no time to find the exit. He took different directions as he held his small joy and pride over his chest. "I'm finding the exit right now, you don't have to worry anymore." The boy whispered. The other 'monsters' there tried scaring them, but it backfired considering they've never seen such a killer glare before.

To cheer his brother up, he said that they'll buy ice cream later, but it was no use. All Yoshihiko wants is to get out of that mansion before his nightmares of being food will come true.

Finally, they found the green sign that they were oh so delighted to see. The light from the park outside shone there and the brothers hurried out. "We're out of the mansion, Yoshihiko." Sousuke said, looking down at the still crying boy that he was holding. "Yoshihiko ?" A dreaded voice pipes in the second the sobbing male opened his eyes. He turned around and saw Yoda standing before him, with a small teddy bear on his hand. The said male waved a little, though that made Sousuke annoyed. "Yoshihiko, don't cry. There's a food stall there that sells yummy food. Do you wanna give it a go ?" He offered. Before the young Taki responded, which was a 'yes', Sousuke beat him to it with the opposite answer. "No." He said, gripping on his brother. "Wha—!? But Nii-san—!!!"

"This is supposed to be OUR day together alone; the fact that he's here and you're allowing him to be a third wheel ruins it." The older sibling argued. He finally let go of the short boy and looked at the blonde beside them with a glare. Instantly, Yoda hid behind his friend as a shield. "That's not fair Nii-san !!! Yoda's my friend too; you don't have to be so rude and put him away like an outcast !"

"I can though !!!"

"No you can't !!!"

"I can do what I want when I want it !!!"

"That's not fair all all !!! You always make decisions while I just stay behind pretending to like your foul personality !!!"

"What did you say !?"

"You heard me right !!! You always get so caught up in being so full of yourself that you forget that I'm even here !!! What are you so angry about !?"

"I'm angry because he's here !!!"

"You're the worst brother ever !!!"

"I should've left you in that haunted house..." Sousuke was now glaring daggers at the both with a frown deeper than the sea. He was hurt that his brother said such a thing about him, and what hurts more is that he had always thought about him like that. It was painful and he wanted to run away, he wanted to beat someone up or just scream and yell to his satisfaction. If he did that here though, he would be a fool and humiliate himself. He couldn't do that; not here.

"I'm leaving. You have your petty little fun with that loser you call 'friend'." Saying that, he turned his heel and walked away. Ignoring his brother's shouts of 'wait' and 'come back'.

He didn't care about it right now. All he needed was his time to be alone. That was all and he didn't need anything more. 'This is the worst. That Yoda better be prepared when school starts.'

There's an update, right there. I wonder how Sousuke's plan will go. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to comment how you feel about the brothers' relationship with each other.

That's all for this chap, BYEEE !!!


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