Chapter 52 : The Visit

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Story's Date : June 25, 2019; Tuesday

Narrator's POV :

As Tenma stood in front of the limo, he turned to his father and bid farewell, saying he'll return home at 3:00 PM. The man kneeled down a bit and brushed Tenma's bangs apart, before planting a forehead kiss. The boy closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again, this time with a small smile. He figured, if the man wasn't with him when he leaves the house he'll kiss his forehead instead. His father really is overprotective. It was such a shame he didn't do this when the brunette was still a child. Finally, he stepped in the limo (after him was Sumari) and the butler closed the car door.

The driver started the engine and began driving the gates and onto the road. Tenma stared outside the window as his secretary poured a light yellow drink on a wine glass. "Would you like some, young master ?" She said, handing him the glass. "I'm underaged." He simply said. "This isn't alcohol, Tenma-sama. The master had hidden all the bad drinks from you." Sumari showed him the bottle of the drink, and Tenma sighed in relief. He thought the woman was going to make him drink. "Give me." He raised his hand and Sumari handed him the glass. The brunette took it and sipped to quench his thirst.

"Why are we visiting Shindou-sama again ?" The black-haired woman asked. "Didn't you tell me the reason earlier ? We're going to comfort him." "Ugh, can't we just let him suffer ?" "No." Sumari groaned in both boredom and laziness, clearly not enjoying this already. "I could have just used this time to put a snake in the maid's rooms, you know. I don't know how to comfort a person, young master. But I do know how to make them feel worse."

"You're helpless, Sumari."

"I know."


When they got to Shindou's room, Tenma was tempted to roll his eyes from all of the other's wailing. Sumari giggled in delight; she just loved seeing other people's pain, that sadist. Tenma sat on a chair that was near the graynette's bed and put his right leg over his left, all the while crossing his arms with a sarcastic "Poor thing" face. "Look at you. It's like I'm looking at a trash can." He stated, not caring if it was insulting. "Y-You don't know what I f-feel !" The brunette cocked an eyebrow and it made Shindou realize that Tenma had been in a similar situation not too long ago. "Oh right...You poor child..." "You should be saying that to yourself." "Give me a mirror then. I destroyed mine." Matsukaze didn't fight back rolling his eyes this time. "Anyway, what brings you here ? I have nothing to offer yet." Shindou was calming down now, as he wiped the tears off his face and sat up straight. "You have nothing to offer, but we do. Here." In Tenma's hand were a bag of chocolates and other gifts, along with a strange looking envelope. "This is for me ?" "Yes, so take it."

The second-year eyed the envelope for a bit before deciding to open it first. He grabbed the scalpel that was hidden in his drawer (for self-defense purposes) and opened the letter with it. Inside was a note, and Shindou pulled it out from it's paper casing before unfolding it and reading it's contents.

Kira Corporation

CEO - Kira (Kiyama) Hiroto
Heir - Kira Masaki
Special Helpers :
Ibuki Munemasa
Midorikawa Ryuuji
Kageyama Hikaru
Kidou Yuuto (From Kidou Company)
Kirino Ranmaru
Tsurugi Kyousuke
Planning Data link : 2aG54&89/HyZl32>Kira-Corp-Planning-Database-+18FjL60nf
File Password : 471690
Documents Password : 285372


"These are some special information about Kira Corporation." Tenma started. Shindou looked pleasantly surprised, now that he's got that company's secrets. "I heard that they are rivalling your father's business after a little rumor he spread that happened 7 years ago when Kira Seijirou was still in power." The brunette looked at Sumari who took out her computer and began typing. The first-year looked back at the other male in front of him and opened his mouth to speak once again. "The rumor states that the Kira Corp. was working with some underground business managers specializing in hacking and invention making. Of course, it's not like the Kira name wasn't dirtied before even the myth started. After all, the Alien incident 10 years ago happened to be Seijirou's downfall." When he finished, Sumari showed the graynette a picture of a site with the names of it's members, including Kira Hiroto himself.

"The rumor had died down though, and basically everyone forgot about it specially since the authorities haven't heard about it themselves, but if you started it again...Starting with a higher up, you might be able to take a step forward with it." Tenma's smirk was wide and menacing. It truly wasn't like the Matsukaze Tenma Shindou knew before. No no, this was someone else.

His inner demon.

It put a smile to his face, then a grin, until he giggled, then laughed evilly. "Finally the stars have aligned !!! And it's all just for me !" Wicked thoughts boomed in his head, but instead of shaking it off, he savoured it. He savoured it all until he had thought of all the possibilities that could happen. "Oh, I really gotta hand it to you Tenma. You're a great partner." He turned to the smirking brunette who was just enjoying being bad. "Now I have all I need to take them down..."

"This is going to be such fun~"


"Sir, I have received something from an anonymous sender."

"Really ?" Kira Hiroto turned his head to his employee, then at a small note in his hand. "Okay, may I see it ?" The worker handed him the paper, bowed, and then left the room to be replaced by Hiroto's son, Masaki. "What is it, dad ?" He asked, going near his father. "I don't know, I'm about to read it actually." The man unfolded the piece of paper and read the note. In a swift moment, he was confused, but threatened.

"You're a dead man, Kira Hiroto."

"Huh ?" Both him and the teenager were asking questions in their head. What exactly did this person mean ? Was this some sort of prank ? One thing was clear, above all though :

Something bad's about to happen and they did not like it.

"Masaki ?"

"Hm ?"

"Do you have any enemies in school ? I know I don't have any."

"Well....There's this one person."

"His name is...?"

"Shindou Takuto."

"Shindou...? I feel like I've heard that name before...Who could it be ?"

"Do you want me and the others to investigate ?"

"Yes please."

"Alright, I'll tell you when we find something. See you later."

The door closed and Hiroto looked at the paper one more time before dumping it in the trash.

"Who exactly could you be?"

There ! A little something to think about; just how innocent are the Kiras ? We don't know. But I hope you enjoyed today's chapter :) See you next time I update, BYEEEE !!!

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