Chapter 56 : Had Enough

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Story's Date : July 8-9 2019; Monday-Tuesday

Narrator's POV :

Everyday, Natsumi won't leave them alone.

Everyday, when Gouenji was away, she would go to their house for Endou.

Everyday, she would leave just as Gouenji was going home so he would see what she had done.

Everyday, Gouenji was losing control.

Endou was scared of his lover's past behavior. Angry, irritated, jealous and possessive. The main things he had noticed these past days. Sometimes, he would wake up in the middle of the night because the blonde had broken yet another piece of furniture. A lamp, a picture frame, anything ! He would go downstairs and spot the older's bloody knuckles, glass or other broken pieces on the ground, and he would always need to calm the other down which always took a long time. One of those days, Endou went downstairs to do his new nightly routine, even if he didn't hear any noise, he knew in himself this was the specific time Shuuya would show his rage. But what he saw shocked him...

The blonde was merely sitting there, without blood on his hands or any objects scattered on the ground. He was silent and didn't move, unlike all those nights before. "Shuuya...? Are you okay ?" The brunette asked, slowly walking towards the figure as he took in the man's depressed position. "...Mamoru...Please tell me..." He whispered. Endou was confused, seeing as he was never seen like this before, specially after Natsumi's hurricane of problems. "Tell you what...?" The man sat beside the other, bending down a little to get a good look of his face. Gouenji was crying ! "Shuuya...You're...Crying ! What happened ?" He wiped the tears away from the ex-Holy Emperor's face with a concerned expression on his face. "Just tell me...Do you love me ?" He asked finally. It shocked Mamoru even more; he had not seen that coming at all.

Once he snapped back to reality, he immediately nodded. "You know I do. You're my happiness and strength and I would take a bullet to prove it. Why are you asking that ?" He said, cupping the other's face. "I just think— No, I KNOW...Natsumi is stealing you away...I just don't want you to leave me..." He sobbed. It saddened the brunette to see his lover act like this and it was all Natsumi's fault. He was mad at himself for not even bothering to do anything. Now, it made Gouenji like this ! He was stupid for not doing a thing. "Hey...You know that will never happen. You're my number 1." He smiled, caressing the blonde's cheek. "She's my number 1,000,000,000,000." The both laughed at that. "Now come on, let's go to bed." Endou led Shuuya to their shared bedroom and laid down together, looking at each other's eyes before falling asleep.

The next day, it happened again.

Natsumi stood on Endou's porch with a small smile on her face, clearly looking victorious over the recent days. She stood there holding a plastic bag of sweets; the treats were Endou's favorite. "Good Morning ! I bought some sweets for you. You like these, right ?" She said, handing him the bag. The brunette hesitantly took it and the woman asked if he would like to go to her house for a change. Obviously, after everything that happened, Endou knew what to do and said 'no'. He knew that it would be a bad idea to come to her house, specially since her motives were as clear as day. He wouldn't let her go that far. "Aww, so sad. Can I come in then ?" She asked, leaning to the side to take a look at his interior like she always does. Sometimes, he cursed himself for being too nice, even to those who've wronged him. With a sigh, he once again let her in.

She sat on the couch as Endou prepared some tea. The redhead looked around the living room and internally let our a groan of frustration every time she saw a picture of Gouenjin and her ex together. 'We won't be exes for long...' she sneered in her head. The girl fixed her composure when Endou made it back to the living room with a tray of tea and the sweets she bought on a tiny plate. He gently placed the tray on the coffee table and sat down in front of her. "Thanks Endou ! You're always so sweet to me." She winked. It disgusted him, but his morals told him not to show it. He smiled instead.

"I like making tea for my friends." He said.

Natsumi cringed at the word "friend"; clearly implementing she was just a friend to him and she hated it. That very title she wanted to change right now. "Oh...Thank you !" She thanked once again. The woman sipped her tea while Endou checked his phone, clearly interested in it more than he was interested in her. "Mamoru." She said calmly, placing her tea cup on the table. The male looked up with a confused expression. With that, she continued. "Do you still love me ?" She asked, her expression desperate. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Did she seriously ask that question ? If so then why ? Does she really ignore the fact that they are already split ? "Excuse me ?"

"Mamoru, do you still love me ?"

"...Um, no. Not anymore." He said. She gave him another desperate look. "Please give me a chance ! I know we didn't work out last time but I'll make sure it will this time !—" She was cut off by Endou as he spoke up. "Natsumi, we're over. You wanted this so you got it." She tried again, but the brunette still refused to be with her. This went on for minutes until the woman had had enough. The redhead finally let out her hidden feeling that she had been keeping all this time, jealousy and rage. "So you're going to replace me with him ? Him of all people ?! I can prove to you that I'm better, you know ! Give me this chance already dangit !" "I said no !"

"What's going on here ?" A voice said from behind. They looked at the source of the voice and they found Gouenji standing there with a perplexed expression. "Shuuya !" Endou exclaimed. "Hmph !" Natsumi crossed her arms and gritted her teeth as she kept her anger down. "Shuuya, I—" He tried to speak but the older cut him off with a sigh. "You know what ? I don't care anymore. I just...don't care anymore." That was his final sentence before walking out and leaving. Mamoru ran after him but it was no use since when he got to the street, he was gone. Nowhere to be found. "Shuuya..." He whispered, tears forming in his eyes. Natsumi soon went out of the house as well, with a smirk this time. "Now will you give me a—" *SLAP* !

"YOU KNOW, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU !!! MY LIFE WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT YOU AROUND BUT YOU JUST HAD TO APPEAR !!! I'LL SAY IT TO YOU STRAIGHT; I HATE YOU !!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU !!!" Then Mamoru ran as fast as he can away from her, leaving her there shocked. He ran and ran until he made it to Aki's place where he sobbed and screamed as she listened to what happened. As for the blonde, he landed on a bar where he stayed at and drank until the crack of dawn.

This wasn't right...All of them had had enough and exploded one by one.

It wasn't right at all.

Dang you Natsumi ! *Sigh* You may be losing hope in me in writing an actual fun chapter, huh ? It's all just full of angst, angst, angst.

Don't worry, more will come ;)
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter ! BYEEE !!!

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