Chapter 51 : Move on

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Story's Date : June 25, 2019; Tuesday

Narrator's POV :

Tsurugi can't help but think about Tenma. Everyday all the boy could think about was that brunette of his dreams and each passing moment his feelings grew stronger. He would often stare outside his window and smile to himself, thinking that even though their relationship had ended, he was still lucky to have spent time with him. But of course, after thinking about their good times together there comes the dreadful memory of their break-up. He had to admit that he deserved it; it was his fault for being so hot tempered that day. On more than one occasion he cried to himself for being a fool. He shouldn't have done it, he thought.

One morning, he woke up to a surprise. There was warmth behind him and an arm draped over his stomach. He turned to look and found out that it was none other than his best friend, Hakuryuu. He smiled as he watched the other sleep peacefully. 'He looks so cute this way.' he thought, pushing back a strand of hair on the other's face. The striker's smile only faded once those sleepy eyes opened and scarlet red was seen. "Oh, good morning." Tsurugi greeted. "Morning. Did you sleep well ?" The dragon boy asked, sounding sleepy. "Yeah. I take it you've also slept well ?" "Mh-hm. After all, you were here you little bear." The other only laughed at that statement. Was he really that snuggly ? He didn't know, but everyone who has shared a bed with him before had the same comment. His parents, his brother, Hakuryuu, even Tenma. 'Tenma...' The grin on his face disappeared when he thought of that. He wanted to move on, but it was as if fate didn't let him and it was driving him crazy.

"Hey, are you thinking about your ex again ?" Hakuryuu asked. "Huh ? Oh uh..." He didn't know how to answer. The past days have been about his best friend trying to help him forget the incident. He even went as far as to suggest he would date him instead. Sighing, the older of the two took the other's hand in his and sternly said "What did I tell you ? If you don't stop thinking about him, you're never going to get over this break-up. Come one now Tsu, listen to me." By the look on his face, Kyousuke could tell he was getting annoyed at this point. What if his greatest friend gave up on him too ? He felt stressed and overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions that he started crying. "I-I'm s-s-sorry...I..." He barely managed to choke out. The male's eyes widen when Kyousuke had started crying and immediately went to shush and comfort him. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I'm just worried okay ? I just want you to be happy and back to normal again."

He looked down on his covered lap. "B-But what if I don't...? I-I don't want t-to annoy you but..." He felt weak.

He felt weak and pathetic just crying there. He promised himself he would never cry over and over every night but here he is crying again like a baby. He really sucks. Hakuryuu wrapped his right arm around the crying boy and his left still held his hand. "Hey...remember that suggestion I told you about ? That thing about moving on by dating me ?" Curious, the male looked up and met those piercing red eyes again. "Yes...? What about it ?" "I was thinking...let's make it a reality." Now this was shocking. Had he just been asked out ? By his best friend ? "Uhh...I don't know..." He squirmed in discomfort. Now that he gave thought about it, this entire time after his break with Tenma, Hakuryuu has been more closer to him. "Listen Kyousuke, I want to help you. And I want you to love me back as much as I love you."

It was too much for him so he lightly pushed the other away and stood up, wiping the tears off his face. "I...need to go to the bathroom..." With that, he went outside of their shared room and dashed to the comfort area where he locked the door to not let the other in. He covered his face with his hands and descended down on the ground, confused by everything that was happening. "Calm down...Calm down..." He lightly slapped both his cheeks and let out a frustrated groan. After what seemed like an endless cycle of slapping his cheeks and groaning, a knock startled him and he turned his head to look at the door behind him. "Kyousuke ? Are you in there ? Hey, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable...I...really just want to help." Hakuryuu sounded upset and guilty. It made Tsurugi feel bad about walking out on him. "I'll leave, so I'll just get my things. Hope you're okay in there." The navy-haired striker listened to the pitter-patter of the dragon boy's feet until it could be heard no longer.

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