Chapter 50 : Unexpected meeting

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Story's Date : June 24, 2019; Monday

Narrator's POV :

It was a glorious Monday and everyone was at work. Gouenji was busy helping other schools with their soccer club problems, Endou was coaching Raimon, and the She Devil we call Raimon Natsumi is busy unpacking her things into her new home.

She had just moved houses from staying at her father's home, saying she wanted to be independent again. It was a little hard for her, since she didn't want to get a job but it was a necessity. "Ugh, this is a workout." The woman said, pushing the couch to where she wanted it to be. The things she has was bought either by her parents or San Daeyaan. Gold and white are everywhere, coating her entire house with it's fanciness. It was like stepping foot into a billionaire's mansion where everything costs millions. Of course, as spoiled as Natsumi is, she wanted more. Once she had placed the couch right, she walked outside to take a small break.

Moving things were hard, specially if you were used to other people moving your stuff for you. But of course, she wanted to do it on her own and was really willing to. She walked out of her 2 story house and sat on the chair outside her front porch. It was windy today, she thought. The breeze moved her hair, like an angel playing with her auburn locks. She wasn't leaning on her chair when she sat and instead, her elbow was on top of her crossed legs and her head was laid on her hand. She was clearly a bit lazy today. "Now I regret not having some help." She removed the little hair that was on her face, leaned into the comfort of the chair and sighed.

"Whatever, they won't do it right even if I tell them where I want things placed; those morons. If I want it to be done right then I have to work on my own. Come on, Natsumi; continue and stop being a lazy bum !" She groaned and sighed, shaking the laziness that was inside of her. The 23-year-old could still feel her fatigue from driving her vehicle and moving things and putting them in place, but found motivation in herself to keep moving her furniture, fortunately. Just as she stood up, a car parked beside her home.

It was a Range Rover, and a familiar person got out of it. She gasped as she saw his face. "Endou Mamoru..." She whispered out. He looked about the same as she last saw him except that his clothes were a little different. He wore an orange Sweater, a gray and white varsity jacket and black pants with an also orange pair of sneakers. His signature band was still there, but Natsumi had to admit; he surely became more handsome. She instantly had hearts on her eyes as she saw the man walk to his house, a smile painted across his face. Her entire attention was focused on her ex-husband but she paid no mind to it. Instead she continued on with her staring until she was noticed.

Endou's face fell as he saw Natsumi there on the other side of the fence, staring at him lovingly. He immediately thought of reasons as to why she was here. 'Why...Is she visiting a friend or something ?' he asked himself, staring back. After a few minutes he gathered up the courage to come closer and ask, loud and clear. "Natsumi, what are you doing here ?" "Me ? Oh, I live here now, Mamoru~" The way she said his name was disgusting. Endou put great effort into not vomiting or shouting right now, and even then the temptation almost got him. What's worse about everything else is that they're neighbors now ! How could bad luck have done this ?

Slowly, Endou stepped back and turned around, ready to go inside his home when all of a sudden Natsumi yelled "WAIT !" With hesitance, he turned his head to the woman he most despised. He really didn't want to, but he was too nice. He couldn't help it. "Don't you...want to take a look inside ?" She asked, obviously flirting with him. The brunette wanted to gag so bad now, but held back. He wasn't raised to show hate or disrespect, no matter how much he doesn't like someone. His mama taught him much better than that; and he had to listen to his morals, right ? Right. That's why he smiled.

He smiled and closed his eyes before saying "No thank you, I still have a couple chores to do."

"Oh ! I could help if you want !"

"There's no need, Natsumi. I don't want to trouble you."

"But I insist. I can help !"

"It's okay, I can do it myself--"

"No please, I want to. I want to start living a fresh life and to start that, I want to befriend you."

His kindness got the better of him indeed.

It all happened so fast. In one moment he was bringing home groceries and in the next he had just let Raimon Natsumi inside his house. He closed the door as Natsumi had her arms behind her back as if she was friendly and kind. Anyone could have fallen for her innocent face and gestures but not Mamoru. He knew her true colors better than anyone else. And he knew better than to trust that smile. For the next 2 hours they did chores together. Endou helped her with some things, but other than that she was surprisingly good with cleaning. He kept her from the kitchen and cooking thought, as he knew how that usually goes. By the end of all the chores, the sun was already setting.

That was when Natsumi went out of Endou's house, smiling at him so widely. "Thank you for letting me help you." She said. The other could only smile and nod. It was true she has helped him, so he shouldn't be too cautious. Boy, was that the most horrible decision he had ever made. Before he could process anything, she kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. He stared off into space in shock as several questions popped into his head. When the redhead finished, she sent him one last loving glance before turning around and leaving.

Well, not before coming face to face with a certain blonde. He had anger present in his eyes, burning passionately as the sun. His fists were clenched so hard his hands bled and he was ready to hurt anyone he sees; specially this woman in front of him this very second. "What in the gods are you doing here with Endou, Natsumi ?" He asked with a voice as cold as a winter night. Taken aback, it took a few seconds for the auburn-haired lady to speak, but once she did her sass was there like all those times before. "Mamoru and I did chores together. You should be thankful I cleaned your house, you know." She smugly replied. "Get out of here before--" "Before you what ?" All of a sudden Natsumi was on the floor with stinging red left cheek. A gasp could be heard from her as she caressed the side of her face with her hand. "Shuuya--" "You're not a part of this yet Mamoru." He snapped. He was really angry this time. Even more furious than that time when he was sick.

"I don't want to see you anymore. I expect you to never show your face here ever again. Got it ?"

"Sorry to oh so break your new expectations of me but I'm your new neighbor. You'll be seeing me everyday from now on, Mister Angry-face. Sorry not sorry." With that she got up and pushed passed him before making her way into her house, which was only a mile away from theirs. She went inside with a door slam and she wasn't seen anymore. As for the fuming man, his gaze left her and turned to Endou, who was quiet in the corner, meekly looking down. "Why were you with her ?" He asked coldly, not calming down a bit. The brunette didn't-- couldn't say anything. Instead, he hid his face with his bangs, which made Gouenji to get more furious. "ANSWER ME !!!" He roared. It made Mamoru flinch, but he started talking. "S-She asked if she could d-do chores with me. I-I accepted and that's why..." He looked up and his brown eyes met a pair of flaming onyx ones. "I-I'm sorry--" Shuuya let out a frustrated groan and just walked towards their house.

The younger male had tears in his eyes that were threatening to fall. His gaze locked down with the ground as he was shaking, fear spread all over his system. Shuuya was shoulder to shoulder to him as the other stopped walking and stood just beside him. "I'm not over this yet." And continued walking inside.

Later that night, Gouenji let out all of his anger and frustrations out. The soccer coach could only cry silently. By the end of the shouting fest, the blonde looked at his broken and crying lover who was hyperventilating right now. With a sigh, he hugged him and apologized for scaring and making him cry. When they went to sleep Endou laid on the very edge of the bed whilst Shuuya could only stare at his back. It was a painful night for the both of them, and they knew more was about to come just as long as Natsumi is there.

Keyboard is acting up and I don't like it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this GouEndou chapter ! No worries, more problems are coming so sit your angsty bums down and enjoy the pain~. BYEEE !!!

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