I never stopped loving you

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It had been 5 months since Cole gave me a divorce and there hasn't been a single night that I hadn't cried myself to sleep.

We had a daughter, Lee she was 4 years old.

She was the only reason left for me to live.

I woke up and the house was completely silent since my daughter had gone to Cole's house.

She was coming back today morning so I decided to make her favourite pancakes.

As soon as I was done cooking I heard a knock on the door and went and opened it and saw Lee with Cole.

"I missed you mommy" Lee said jumping into my arms.

" I missed you too baby" I said giving her a kiss on the cheeks.

" I hope she didn't trouble you" I said to Cole.

" of course not, she's my darling princess" he said with a big grin on his face.

I saw Cole with his suitcase and asked him if he was leaving for a trip.
"Yeah actually,Sarah and I are going to California"he said and my heart dropped at all the flashbacks of us going on trips together.

I was shook at how fast he moved on , when I feel like I'll never ever be able to.

"Bye dada, bring me chocolates pleaseee" Lee said to him and he agreed and gave her a quick kiss on her cheeks and left.

As soon as he left Lee said " I don't like Sarah at all mom"

I said underneath my breath
" believe me, me too"

Time Skip to Evening

As I was leaving with Lee to go to the market I saw Cole standing outside my apartment.
" hey , didn't you have a flight to catch" I asked him.

" yeah i did . Can I please come in?"

" yeah sure" I replied and as soon as he came in, he broke down into sobs.

Cole POV

I entered her house and broke down into sobs immediately , she hugged me and at her touch I started crying even more.

Lee came and hugged me " what's wrong pops"

" sweetie could you please go in your room?" I politely asked her and she went inside.

"What's wrong Cole" Lili asked me in a caring tone. I was shook at how she still cares about me even though  I broke her heart.

" Sarah and I broke up"

"what, why?" She asked

"she cheated on me" I lied, I didn't want to tell her the real reason we broke up, I was embarrassed and I was so not crying because Sarah and I broke up.

"Oh" she said and told me to get up and sit down on the sofa.

"Can I come back pleaseeee pops" Lee asked me from her bedroom door.

" sure" I replied chuckling.

She came running to me and jumped in my lap

"pops whoever did this to you , I am going to stab them in the heart" Lee said and I chuckled.

I gave her a kiss on her cheek.

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