he'll always be there

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the whole cast was going to this bar which had just recently opened around their neighbourhood.

they were supposed to reach their by 10 pm.

cole decided to call her around 9 pm.

" heyy" she said as she answered his call.

" are you ready?" he asked.

" lmao no, was just going to start getting ready" she replied.

" oh okay. want me to pick you up around 9.45 though?" he asked.

" that is if i'm ready by then " she replied.

" you better, i'm not going to wait for even a second Reinhart" he said and they talked for a little.

" i should really start getting ready if we want to reach their on time" she said and laughed.

" yeah bye" he also laughed.

Lili started getting ready, but it was 9.20 already.

so she started of with her makeup.

she finished with the make up, as soon as she started doing her hair, her phone rang.


" oh god i'm late" she said to herself and picked up the phone.

"i have reached" he said.

" you have to come up, i'm not even half way through"

"'half way through what?" he asked.

" half way through getting ready dumbo" she said.

" so you want me to come up?"
he asked, chuckling a little.

" yeah" she replied shyly.

within a few seconds her doorbell rang.

" so what all is left" he asked.

" well i have to do my hair, iron out my outfit, pick shoes, choose a bag and put on my accessories" she said.

" Lili, you should get to work right now" he said laughing.

" i know i know" she replied.

" you do your hair, and i'll iron your outfit. where is it"

" seriously? thank you so much" she said.

" where is ittt"

" it's on the bed, pick out any black heels from the closet too"
she instructed and started doing her hair.

and as cole ironed the outfit and picked out her shoes it was 10 pm and she was done with her hair.

" oh my god, thank you so much" she said and pecked his lips quickly.

" go put on your outfit quickly" he chuckled.

she got out of the washroom, looking more beautiful than ever.

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