College Romance

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Cole and Lili are in college.

No PoV

Lili was in her dorm room, writing an essay she had to submit.
She had ear plugs on and was continuously typing.
Her dorm mate, Camilla was best friends with the whole football team, including Cole.
Lili was more of an introvert and her dorm mate was a complete extrovert, people coming in and out of the dorm every now and then.
Lili was also friends with the football guys majorly because the captain of the team was her boyfriend.

The dorm room busted open and Lili didn't look up from her computer.
" Cami please, I've a lot of work to do" she said still typing.
" yeah Cami my girlfriend has a lot of work to do" Cole said.
As soon as she heard Cole's voice she looked up to see a bunch of sweaty guys and Cami.
" Cole" she said and a big smile escaping her lips just seeing the love of her life.
" and back to the lovers" Cami said making everyone laugh.
He went up to her to kiss her and she pushed him away.
" one I have a lot of work to do and two you look extremely hot, but you stink" Lili said making everyone laugh again.
" oh yeah? I stink?" He said and and almost got on top of her.
" yes you do" she said.
He got half on top of her and kissed her.
" but you do taste good" she said chuckling.
" well maybe I can make you really sweaty and then we can shower together" he said smirking and winked at her.
" oh shut up" she said chuckling and hit his arm.
" ow" he mocked.

He laid down besides her.
" move over" he said and she shifted a little to her side.
" what are you doing" he asked her.
" she's a nerd Cole" KJ said.
" no I am not" Lili said snapping.
" yeah, she's not" Cole said and threw a pillow at KJ.
" I forgot to do the essay that we had to write for the English Class" she said.
They both had English as there minor subject and went to the same class.
" I've already done that" he said.
" Lili you do remember right that there's a party tonight. Are you coming?" Cami said.
" No Cam sorry"Lili said.
" you are no game" Cami said.
" asking the wrong person Cami" Charles said.
" Lili? And parties? Are you crazy"Hart said laughing.
" I do go to parties" Lili said.
" which is the last party you went to Lils" Cami asked her.
" ummmm" Lili said.
" Cole can you stop staring at her and help us a little bit in here" KJ said to Cole throwing back the pillow that Cole threw at him.
" she did got to Dylan's party which was 2 weeks ago" Cole said.
" thank you" Lili said to him.
" your also no game Cole" Cami said.
" you coming to the party bro ?" KJ asked Cole.
" I think I'll pass" Cole said.
" Cooooleeee" Charles whined.
" you don't have to miss a party because of me" Lili said to him.
"But I'd rather spend Friday night watching a movie with you and cuddling you" He said in a low voice so that only she could hear him.
She glanced a smile at him and kissed him.
" guys for the love of god" Charles said making the both of them laugh.

"Bye Guys" Cami said and left for the party.
" see you dude" KJ said.
Everyone left and it was just Lili and Cole now.
" Can you please go and have a shower" Lili said to Cole.
" only if you are coming with me" he said smirking.
" shut up and go and have a shower please " Lili said chuckling.
" okay, okay I'll go" Cole said and kissed Lili's cheek before leaving.
" thank you" She said giggling.

He came out only a towel wrapped around his torso and dripping wet.
" oh Mr. Sprouse you look too hot" she said.
" I know" he said chuckling.
" The view from here is just way too good" she said.
" you like the view?" He said smirking.
" oh so much" she also smirked.
He opened her closet to find a bunch of his T-shirts, Hoodies and Jogger's.
" and I thought I lose my clothes somehow" Cole said in a mocking tone.
" oh please you are the one giving them to me, and plus your clothes are way more comfortable than mine" Lili said making him chuckle.

He put on a pair of jogger's and a wore a T-shirt.
" or is the idea of me that makes you comfortable" he said smirking and hoping on the bed besides her.
" maybe" she said also smirking.
" you do know that right you look extremely hot when you smirk" he said.
" oh yeah?" She replied.
" damn yeah" he said making her laugh.
" well thank you" she said and kissed his cheek.
" welcome" he said laughing.
" how much more do you have to do?" He asked.
" just a 1000 more words." She said sighing and rested her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her neck.
" Come on I'll help you" he said.

He helped her complete her essay in an hour.
" thank you so so so much Cole" Lili said shutting down her computer and keeping it on her nightstand.
" you don't have to thank me" he said and kissed her nose.
" now I know why you are Ms. Green's favourite" she said chuckling.
" that's probably not my essays but my biceps" he said laughing.
" those biceps are only mine" Lili said in a possessive tone.
" yes ma'am" he said laughing.
" I swear, she literally flirts with you in front of the whole class knowing I'm your girlfriend. That psycho bitch" Lili said making him laugh.
" I'm truly terrified for Ms. Green" he said laughing.
" you know today morning when I was at Starbucks, while ordering, there was an old lady besides me and she saw your photo which is on my lock screen and she asked me if that's my girlfriend." He continued " I said yes and she said you are really pretty. But I corrected her and told her that you are breathtaking" Cole said.
" I am breathtaking?" Lili said.
" well you are not only just breathtaking but also very sweet, smart and kind" he said.
" go on" She said.
" you are so supportive, talented, motivating and caring but you have the lamest humour ever" he said.
"  hey I have a pretty good humour" she said.
" and not to mention but you do love me the most" he said and she got on top of him.
She ran her hands through his wet hair.
" I do love you the most " she said and kissed him.

" I could kiss you all day" he said and she kissed him again.
He took out her hair from the messy bun and pushed the hair off her face.
" I love you" He said.
" I love you" she replied and she had her head rested on his chest and looking at him.
" do you want to watch a movie?" She asked.
" whatever you want to do, all I want to do is cuddle you" he said.
" jeez, when did you become so cheesy" she said.
" I'm cheesy only for you Lili Reinhart" He said making her laugh.
" too cheesy" she said laughing and putting a movie on her laptop.

Cole PoV

It was 1:30 am and the movie had just ended and Lili had also fallen asleep. I shut the laptop and removed my shirt. I cuddled her and was almost about to sleep and the door bursted open.
" Cami Shhhhhh" I said.
" oh" she said " sorry" she said tip toeing.
" I am sleeping over a friends apartment" she told me and left.
I also fell asleep in no time.

"Cole I'm hungry" I heard someone whisper while I was asleep.
" what" I said in a husky voice.
" I'm hungry" Lili chuckled.
" oh god" I said and a chuckle escaped my lips " what time is it" I asked.
" 2:30 please I love you" She said and kissed me.
" I'm up" I said and pulled a T-shirt " you are lucky I love you" I chuckled making her laugh and she kissed me again.
She put on her pants and wore my jacket.
" let's go" I said and got up.

We both went to a 24/7 cafe and ordered eggs and toast.
I pulled out my phone and clicked a phot of her.
" sttaaahhhpp" She said giggling and I snapped another picture.
" you look beautiful " I said.

She was the most beautiful person on this entire planet. I could stare at her all day and not get bored even for a second. Her smile could light up my day.

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