The Engagement Party (Pt.1)

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3rd POV

It had been a month since Cole had proposed to Lili and they had an engagement party planned out for today.

their families, the whole caste of Riverdale , cast of Hustlers , cast of Five Feet Apart and all of their friends were invited.

You could say that it was a grand party planned out.

Cami and Dylan were given the duty to plan out the party as they were really close to the both of them.

The party was in a garden and the theme was casual.

Lili and Cole always preferred their style to be casual.

It was 8AM and they both were cuddled into each other's arms.

Lili woke up first, she didn't want to wake him up so she carefully tried to skip out of his grasp.

But he woke up.

"Where you up to Miss. Soon to be Sprouse"

"well good morning to you too Mr. Sprouse" she replied giggling, giving him a soft kiss.

She pulled away and again tried to get out of his grasp.

" just 10 more minutes" he said grumpy.

"you sleep I am gonna go make breakfast" she replied

"nooooooo, I want to cuddle" Cole said

"okay , but only 10 minutes" lili replied laying her head on his chest with her hand which had the gorgeous ring.

He took her hand and stared rubbing her ring finger

"I love you" he said out of nowhere.

" and I love you" lili said giving him a peck on his cheeks.

He got up.
she mumbled "finally"

"hey I heard that" he said picking her up bridal style taking her into the kitchen.

she didn't even utter a single word till there because she was lost in his beautiful blue eyes

"you are staring miss. Soon to be Sprouse" he said.

"it's romantic Mr. Sprouse" she chuckled.

He laid her down on the couch and got on top of her and started kissing her.

It turned into a make out. As soon as he was about to remove his shirt , cami barged through the doors yelling.


Cole and Lili started laughing and Cole got off her.

"well good morning to you too cami" he said and Cami rolled her eyes

" what's up cami" Lili asked her.


Cole and Lili looked at each other in guilt because they did forget about it.

" Jeez cami calm down" lili said pretending she remembered.

"Did you even remember that you had a party" cami asked  

" of course! So when's my stylist coming?" Lili said quickly changing the topic , because she knew she would get caught.

"Oh she'll be here any minute and Cole you need to go to mine and Charles apartment, your stylist is waiting there for you" cami instructed
" and please have a shower you two"

" we could have it together, that way we would be faster" Cole smirked.

Cami mad a disgusted face.

" shut up" Lili said and smacked his chest.

He laughed at their reaction.

He went to go and have a shower first, while lili was literally squealing like a baby all over their house , because she finally realised that it's her engagement party today.

As soon as Cole came out of the shower, Lili went in.

Cole was only wrapped in a towel and was wearing nothing else.

Lili gave him a peck on his lips " I'll meet you in an hour" she said and went in.

" you look really sexy though" she smirked.

Cole blushed.

" i did suggest we can have a shower together." he replied, flirting back.

" i'm up for it" Lili flirted again.

" okay, Cami will seriously kill us, go and quickly have a shower" he said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

" okay" she chuckled and entered the shower.

he went outside closing the door behind him.

Time Skip

Lilis look:

Lili wanted to keep her look as simple as she could , because she wanted to look like herself

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Lili wanted to keep her look as simple as she could , because she wanted to look like herself.

Cole was wearing a white shirt and denim pants and looked really handsome.

They both were ready and were instructed by cami to only come to their party after her call.

she loved the both of them and wanted them to have a grand entrance to the party.

She wanted to wait for everyone to come and then she wanted that they should enter.

They had no choice but abide by what she instructed them to do.

Cole also had a gift for her fiancé and so did lili.

They both kept it a secret from each other.

They wanted it to be a surprise for one another.

Cole entered their apartment after he got ready and the first thing he saw was lili.

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