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Cole and Lili were in a bar with all of their friends, it would be an understatement to say that they were on the rocky road of their relationship.

they both got into a fight, for the millionth time this month.

it started of by Cole mocking Lili as almost a joke.

Lili thought he wasn't joking, and she snapped.

" hey we'll just leave you both alone for a while" Cami said pulling KJ and Mads with her, from where they were sitting.

It was just the both of them in the booth now.

" and now you drove everyone away" Lili said.

" i can't with you" cole said and got up.

" well all you can do is walk away, yeah, easy way out" Lili mocked him.

" so what the fuck do you want me to do? fight with you in a public place?"

Lili just scoffed.

" you know what Lili, i think we need to spend some time apart" he said while pointing his finger to and fro at her and him.

" w-what" Lili said, her voice cracking.
yes, they were fighting A LOT, but she didn't expect him to break up.

"i can't tolerate this constant fighting anymore"

Tears swell up in her eyes.

" c-cole please don't"

" i can't anymore. i am fucking done. " as soon as he said those words, he regretted it.

" o-okay" she said and picked up her coat and bag. 
tears fell and she ran in heels.

" oh shit" cole cursed, and mentally slapped himself.

Cole tried to follow her, but Mads stopped him.

" Where did she go?"

" i don't know" he said pushing his hair back.

" what happened" she asked, concerned.

" i-i think i broke up with her" and as those words rolled off his lips, tears fell.

" WHAT?! Cole that woman is head over heals for you, she can die if she had to for you. you are her ride or die. Her words, you are the only reason she's alive.  "

" you think i don't know that" he cried.

And while Cole was falling apart inside the bar with regret, guilt and lament, outside three goons had surrounded Lili.

As if this night wasn't bad enough for her, she was almost being held at gunpoint.

" i don't know" she cried in front of those men, she couldn't process what was happening, in that moment all she knew was she had lost the love of her life.

" take out money right now" one of them screamed.

it was uncanny, a little blocks away from the bar, and it was completely lonely, not a single soul to be seen.

" i have nothing" she cried again.

And at the bar, Cole had lost his senses too, he just ran out, KJ, Charles and Casey followed him.

" i-i need to find her" he said hyper ventilating.

"COLE" Charles tried to stop him, but he just ran, and the trio just followed.

Cole finally saw her and then realised armed goons had surrounded her.

" shit" he whispered under his breath.

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