The premier

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It had been a tough year for Lili. Riverdale had ended. Cole had left her.  She was a really successful actress. She lived in New York. She had a contract drawn up for a new movie called 'Chemical Hearts'
It was the first movie she was doing after Riverdale had ended.
It was the premier night and she was all dressed up. She was wearing an extremely gorgeous red silk dress, her hair down and had very little makeup on.

She walked the carpet alone. She hadn't got over Cole, she felt like she would never be able to. She felt as if a very important piece of her life was missing. She was incomplete without him.


" Cole will you promise me something" lili said.
" hmm?" He replied.
" promise me that we will always be there for each other at every high points in our life, no matter if we are at a different corner of the world, we will come back and will ALWAYS be there." She said.
" I promise" he replied.

Flashback Over

Lili had that day on her mind on loop. That promise. Him. She walked the carpet kind of sad. But being the great actress she was, she was able to hide it.
It was one successful night. The premier was over. Instead of going home, she went to her favourite café, the café where her and Cole loved to go whenever they were in New York.
All of their memories was flooding in her mind, like they never had. Tears forming in her eyes. She missed him, like she had never missed anyone before.
She went and sat in a booth, which was just in front of the billing counter. She hated to sit somewhere, where everyone had eyes on her. But she had no choice, as even this late at night, it was full.
Cole missed her no less. Everyday, every single day he used to curse himself, for leaving her. It was like the worst mistake he had made in his whole life. She was the best thing that had happened to him. He even had a secret account on Instagram and Twitter, so that he could at least see and just check on her this way.
He knew that tonight was the premier of her new movie. Just like her, even he had their promise on loop in his mind. Coincidentally he was also in NY for a photo shoot. He wasn't much into acting after riverdale, as he wanted to succeed in photography.

He also decided to go to the Cafe where her and Lili loved to spend their time. Just for the sake of old memories. Little did he know , that she was also there.

He entered the Cafe and went straight to the billing counter to order Lili's favourite meal.
" Hi, so can I have eggs and toast to go" He said and she heard his voice. She turned to look at him, looking as good as ever. Hair messy and dirty blonde again, wearing his signature jacket and a pair of jeans. She quickly wiped her tears away and was just hoping that he wouldn't see her.
Too late.
He saw her and and he was starstruck at how beautiful she was looking. She had only gotten even more prettier.
" Lili Reinhart, sitting alone, that's something new" he said.
" it's good to know you atleast remember my name" she replied , looking down not wanting to make eye contact.
" how are you" he said.
" what do you think" she replied.
" and you can sit, if your girlfriend isn't waiting for you outside" She said in a straight tone.
" then looks like I'll be sitting down and I don't have a girlfriend" he said sitting down.
" Sir, your eggs and toast" the waiter said , handing him the bag.
"When did you start eating that" she said now looking up, her eyes red and puffy, from sobbing.
"are you okay" he said, holding her hand which was on the table and she immediately pulled it back. She didn't want to make herself miss him even more.
"Nothing related to you. I should get going" She said taking out her phone to book a cab. He knew she hated to drive.
" I can drop you, I don't think you'll get a cab at this hour" He said trying to convince her, so that he can at least spend a little time with her.
" thank you" she said.
" so how was your premier" he said trying to kill the awkwardness.
" my premier?" She said with a look on her face, that how did he know that.
" ya, today was Chemical Hearts premier right" he replied.
" how did you know that" she asked.
" I might have deleted all of my social media accounts after we broke up, but I don't live under a rock you know" he said.
" It was good. Thanks for asking." She replied with a weak smile on her face.
They got inside the car.
" same place" she said and he exactly knew where to go.
" so what are you doing here in New York" she asked.
" I am here for a photo shoot." He replied.
" so do you live here" he asked.
" yup" she replied.
He had a coffee in his hand, while driving. And he had to stop the car with a jerk suddenly, and he spilt coffee on himself. Lili started laughing.
" it's not funny" he said.
" I would've told you at least a gazillion times to change this habit of yours" she said still laughing.
" I am never doing this ever again" he said looking himself as he spilt coffee all over his white t- shirt and on his crotch.
" the same old reply" she said still giggling.
It felt like nothing had changed for a moment, they were Lili and Cole again. But all good things come to and end and they snapped back at reality.
" you can come and clean yourself up" she said as they had reached her apartment.
" thanks Lils " he said embarrassed and Lili smiled at him calling her 'Lils' again.
She unlocked the door and entered the apartment.
" everything has changed" he said glancing over at the apartment.
She had redone her whole apartment, from changing wallpaper to changing the furniture, on the mission to  get over him.
"People also change" she replied.
" I have a few oversized T-shirts, I'll just give them to you" she said.
" so do you have a boyfriend" he asked all awkward.
" why does it even matter to you" she said , now her arms crossed and looking straight at him.
" just asking" he replied.
" well then , no." She said and went inside.
She got changed in a pajama and an extra oversized T-shirt. She got outside and passed him one of her T-shirt and pajama from the mens section clothes she had.
" thanks" he said smiling at the fact, that she hadn't changed a bit.
As soon as he went inside the bathroom and locked the door
" COLE GET OUT OF MY BATHROOM RIGHT NOW" Lili screamed at realisation.
" why what's wrong ............... oh" he said , looking at the bathroom mirror, which still had their photos on, just like the old times.
He opened the door seeing Lili all freaked out.
" it's fine" he said happy knowing that she hadn't gotten over him.
" why are you smiling like an idiot" she replied all frustrated.
" maybe because I'm happy to know that you haven't moved on" He said.
She was too embarrassed to answer.
" because I haven't as well and I still love you how much I loved you, an year ago." He said now his eyes shining.
She looked at him and she couldn't keep it in anymore and kissed him. He kissed her back.
He wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her closer than ever.
She pulled away, resting her forehead on his.
" I love you" she said.
" I love you too" he said and kissed her again.
" please never leave me again, I know how I got through a whole year without you , I was a mess" she said.
" I am sure you'd be a hot mess" he said smirking and she hit his arm.
" shut up" She said.
" I promise" He said giving her a kiss on her forehead and hugging her.
" but why were you crying in the café" he asked.
" just remembering you" she said getting even closer to him.
" I am never leaving you ever again."
He said.
" eggs and toast Cole? When did you start eating that" she said smirking looking up at him.
" I mean we still have them in the car" he said smirking.
They both ate, laughed and talked like nothing had changed.
He slept there at night. His one hand holding her waist and the other in her hair. He was holding her so close to him, like he was never ever letting her go ever again. She felt safe with him. Like always.

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