Bachelor Party

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Cole and Lili had gotten engaged 2 months ago and their wedding was
in a week. They both decided to have a bachelor party. Coincidentally they both had ended up in the same bar.
But the bar was big enough for them to spot each other until.
Lili never drinks , but she was wasted and Cole also drank, but was in control.

Lili had Austin who found a guy, Taylor was dancing with Cami with guys, even though they both weren't single, they were just having fun. And Mads had left early. It was just her alone sitting on the bar, doing shots.

Cole had Charles and Hart and both of them were wasted and Cole had just sent them home. Whilst, Casey and KJ were waiting for him in the bar.

" hey gorgeous, can I take you home" a man said , coming up to Lili.
" wHat, leT me enJoY jErK" drunk Lili replied.
" I am gonna make you have more fun at my place" the man said.
" dUde dOnt yoU seE thIs biG rOcK oN mY FinGeR" she said.
"Ditch him girl" the man said.
" hEs goIng to cOme with SpoNgebOB aNd paTriCk and BrEaK YouR liTTlE fAcE" she replied giggling.

Cole PoV

I was first a little shook at how the girls also their party here, but I decided to let it pas.

After a while, I was laughing at the site of a man hitting on Lili and Lili telling him that I am going to come with Spongebob and Patrick to save her.
I decided to go and pat on that mans shoulder.
" What Dude" the man said.
" the fiancé" I said grinning.
" 10 MORE SHOTS FOR ME" I heard Lili screaming.
That man went away and I was happy I didn't have to break his face.
" CoLeYYyy , YoUR hERe!! WhERes SpoNgeBoB aNd PatRiCk" she said.
She had never called me coley before and I wanted to laugh so hard.
" Hey man, don't get those shots please" I told the bartender.
" spongebob and Patrick are beating that man" I replied to her laughing.
( A/N: Guys whatever I write as Lilis dialogues, she's drunk please get it 😂)
" your no sport" she said.
" let's get you home, where's everyone else" I asked.
" ooohhh dancing" she said.
" I WANNA DANCEEEE" she said throwing her hands in the air.
" We can go home and do whatever you want" I said making her stand up.
" promise?" She said.
" promise." I replied making her hands around my neck and me holding her by her waist. To help her walk.
" guys I am gonna take Lili home" I said to KJ and Hart. 
" what's she doing here" they asked in unison.
" well looks like even their bachelor party was in here" I said laughing and seeing Lili had almost dozed off on me.
" what the hell cole, your literally taking your drunk fiancé home from her bachelor and ditching your party" Hart said.
" they are one hell of a couple dude" KJ said to Hart.
" I'll see you guys tomorrow at the grooms men fitting" I said leaving and admiring how cute Lili looked even tho she was drunk.
I put her in the passenger seat and she woke up.
" can we please go to Walmart and buy pineapples" she said
" why" I replied.
" I want to find spongebob" she said and I started laughing.
" or we can look for Patrick under the rocks" she said and I started laughing even harder.
" let's go" I said and we drove home.
We reached home and I unlocked the door.
" Cole I Want a Highlighter" She said.
" why" I replied.
" I am going to colour  you with it cause you are important and then put a paper clip on you and attach you to my T-shirt so that you can't go anywhere" she said laughing.
" we can do whatever you want in the morning" I said giving her a glass of water and picking her up bridal style to take her to our room.
" you will not move okay?" I said and she froze like a statue.
I changed into my PJs and put a T-shirt on just because I didn't want Lili to become horny.
I grabbed her shorts and my T-shirt for her. I took aspirin and a glass of water and put it on my bedside table, knowing she would need it in the morning.
" Cole" she said whispering.
" yes?"I asked squirting down on my knees and holding her knees as she was sitting on the bed.
" I have to peeeeeeeeeeeeee, can I move please" she asked so sweetly. My heart melted.
" yes, go" I replied.
" i am scared to go alone inside" She said with puppy eyes.
" come on"  I said standing up and picking her up.
" I love you even more than Spongebob" She said and I laughed giving her a peck on her cheeks.
" I love you too" I said.
I helped her use the loo.
" come on let's get you changed" I said praying to god that she doesn't get horny.
" ooohhhhhhhh , like you do every night" she said.
" no, we are gonna get you changed in comfortable clothes and sleep. Okay" I said and she nodded her head.
I was removing the top she was wearing and unclasped her bra and she started pulling on my T-shirt.
" what's wrong" I asked.
" I want to wear this." She said and I giggled.
" as you say" I said and removed my T-shirt and put it on her. I was putting the T-shirt I had got for her.
" No , please" She said with puppy eyes that I couldn't resist.
I then removed the shorts she was was wearing and put a pair of pajamas on her.
I cuddled her up, my one arm underneath her neck and one on her stomach. She got both her hands on my chest and resting her head in my neck. I would give up anything and everything to be with her. She is the love of my life. I can't even imagine how you could love someone so much. I soon drifted off to sleep.

I woke up by the sound of Lili groaning.
" morning beautiful" I said giving her a peck on her forehead.
" your too loud" She said and I giggled.
" what happened last night?" She asked.
I got out her grasp giving her an aspirin and water.
" there you go" I said and she had the medicine.
" thank you" She said.
" you were so drunk last night" I said laughing.
" yeah I do remember doing shots" she said still groaning.
" who got me home" she asked and I smirked.
" your awesome fiancé." I replied.
" wait what"
" yeah"
" but didn't you have your bachelor party last night as well... nooo did someone call you to come and get me up , ughhh I am the worst, I ruined your party"
" calm down, you didn't ruin anything, I was also heading home, coincidentally we both had our party in the same in the same bar, I saw you and some guy hitting on you, obviously I couldn't leave you like that"
" oh god, did I do something stupid"
" you mean you want the list of all the stupid things you did" I said giggling.
" well for starters, your first told the guy who was hitting on you, that me, spongebob and Patrick will break his face and then you did say that you want to find spongebob and Patrick in pineapple and under the rocks. You were scared to go to the bathroom alone and told me you loved me more than spongebob. " I told her bursting into fits.
" oh god I am crazy"
" and not to miss you wanted to colour me with a highlighter because I am important and and attach me to your T-shirt with a paper clip so that I can't go anywhere else" I said laughing. She hugged me making me fall on the bed. " I mean you are important" She said snuggling close to me. " your a lifesaver" she said giving me a kiss on my cheek. " at least let me get up" I said holding her. " no, your not going anywhere , I am way too tired, I just want to cuddle" she said. " I can get you hot chocolate" I said, trying to get out of her grasp. " nah, I wouldn't trade you for a hot chocolate, I just want you" She said making my heart melt.I am just falling for her more and more day by day. She's my life.

Thanks for reading and I just hope your enjoying reading these. Please don't forget to vote , it gives me more and more inspiration to write. ~I <3

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