You are on bedrest

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A little background: Lili just got out of surgery and is very week and she is still hospitalised.

Cole PoV

I was cuddled up next to Lili, she was in her hospital bed.

She was sleeping and I was admiring her.

Even though she was looking pale, she still looked so beautiful.

The door opened and I saw the doctor.

I started to get down and she woke up.

"where you going" she groaned.

"the doctor's here Lils" I replied.

"So how are you feeling Ms. Reinhart ?" The doctor asked

"better. Thanks." She replied.

"when will I get out of this hell whole?" She asked and I looked at her.

"We have to keep you under observation tonight. Do you live alone or with someone" he asked

" we live together" I said.

"Oh can I have a little chat with you" the doctor asked politely.

"Sure"I walked out with him giving Lili a peck on her cheeks.

"So Mr. Sprouse, since you live with Ms.Reinhart, can you take care of her, for 2-3 weeks?" The doc said.

"Of course! I can do anything for her" I replied.

"well since she's so eager to get out of here, she's not in a state to change her own clothes or have a bath or go to the washroom on her own. She has to be on bed rest for 2-3 weeks." Doctor said.

" of course, I can do it" I replied and thought 'as if I don't do it almost everyday' and I chuckled.

"Okay great" the doc said "please keep her happy, any kind of stress will just worsen her situation, she's in a very week state and no sex "

"thank you doctor" I said chuckling and he left.

The next morning she got discharged and we drove to our apartment.

As soon as we reached she tried to get out herself, but I picked her up and explained what the doctor told me.

"What that's not fair , I don't want to trouble you" she said.

I gave her a soft kiss "you can never trouble me and I am excited that we both are on lockdown together"

"What about you going to film" she said.

"I am off with you babe" I said and we got inside the apartment and I laid her down on the bed.

I had a great idea.

I knew she loved to sit in the balcony. I decided to take the mattress of the guest bedroom and set up a little area for her in the balcony.

I also set up a table and made hot chocolate for her.

I carried her outside and she was the happiest to see the set up "I thought I wouldn't be able to come to my Favourite place for the longest time" she said.

"I know how much you love our balcony"

"you are honestly the best" she said and I kissed her, which turned into a make out.

Nobody could really see us considering we live on the 20th floor.

Time Skip

It was late at night and I was getting Lili ready for the night.

"Cole why are you doing this for me"

"what do you mean" I replied

"I am like literally a burden on you, you have to do everything for me for 2 weeks. You literally take care of me so much and I can do nothing in return for you. I don't deserve you."

"That's not true Lils"

"Can you please just leave me alone for some while"

"Please don't push me away"

"I really need to be alone right now "

"I am going to be on the couch, if you need anything please call me"

It had been an hour since lili and I had our talk. I was worried for her.

"Oh shoot" I heard her scream and I rushed back inside but I didn't see her, I went into the bathroom to look at her naked, sitting on the floor.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING LILI" I practically yelled at her.

" I was trying to have a bath, to clear my head" she said looking down on her lap.


"Can you at least help me up"

I went and picked her up

"Did you get hurt" I asked, now politely.

"Yeah actually" she replied


She showed me her hand and her stomach, it was all scratched up and slightly.

" Lili can you please not be this stupid again" I said upset.

"I am sorry" she replied and I placed her on the bed, still naked.

I went and got the first aid box and started dressing her wounds up.

"how did you manage to do this" I asked

"The shampoo bottle" she replied.

Once I was done, I asked if she still wanted to have a bath.and she said yes. I went and filled the bath tub and placed her in it.

"I am sorry" she said "I know I hurt you"

" it's ok, you can fight with me but please just don't hurt yourself. I can't see you like this" I replied still upset.

" I love you" she said kissing me now.

"I love you too" I replied.

Once she got out of the shower, I dressed her up again.

" thank you so much"
she said.

" you seriously don't need to be, i love you, and i can and will do anything for you, so stop thinking that you are a burden on me"

" oh god, what did i do too deserve you?" she chuckled.
" you are actually the best"

" you've made me the best babe" i said and kissed her.

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