" was this a set up"

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Lili PoV

Cole and I had fallen asleep on the couch last night after binge watching random shows on Netflix.

I was asleep only in his T-shirt and wearing my underwear.

I had to meet Mads for breakfast today morning and I completely forgot about it.

My back was facing his chest and I was on the outside part of the sofa. One of his hand was under my neck and the other around my bare waist.

I woke up with a thud, waking him up with a thud also.

" ow, my neck" he said in his morning husky voice.
" she's gonna kill me" I said.
" what" he said.
" I have to go" I said putting on his jogger's , which were lying on the floor.
" why" he said.
" I'll call you later, bye" I replied and kissed on his cheek and left for my apartment.
It was 10 am and I had to meet her 10:30.
Oh crap I'm gonna be late.
I have been cancelling on her forever and this time, I am sure she would kill me.

As soon as I reached home and got out of the shower, I checked my phone to see my messages.

" Sorry Lil, can we please shift our date at 12:30. I crashed at Travis's place last night, I won't be able to make it before 12. So see ya x" 

Mads had sent me this message.
I sat down on my bed, wrapped up in a towel.

There was another message from Cole.

" care to explain why you broke my neck and who was going to
"kill you" this morning."

I chuckled reading his message.

" i am sorry. Will explain later and hope your neck is okay."

I texted back.

I put my phone down and decided to get ready.

I wore a white shirt and tucked it in denim shorts, I paired them with my black strap flat sandals.
I blow dryed my hair and left it like that.

It was just 10:30 and I had time to kill.
I cleaned my apartment and organised my closet.

It was 11:50 and I decided to head out. 

I reached there on time and saw Mads waiting for me.

" Heyyy" I said and sat opposite to her.
" I was just about to text you" she said.
" yeah about texting, if you could've just texted me an hour before, you could've saved a mans neck." I said chuckling.
" Who's neck broke because of me" she said.
" Cole's" I said chuckling.
" how?" She asked.
" we were spooning on his couch and I got this dream that you were going to kill me because I canceled on our date again  and woke up with a thud saying 'she's gonna kill me' and Cole's neck didn't technically break but yeah" I said laughing.
" poor fellow and yeah, I would've totally killed you" she replied laughing.
We were having a really good time and then I saw KJ and Charles walk in.
" mads the guys are here" I said and she turned around to see them.
" hey guys" she said and waved at them.
" MADDSS" KJ said and now everyone was looking at us.
" hiii" Charles said walking up to us and side hugged me.
" what are you guys doing here" KJ asked.
" what do you think" Mads said.
" by the way Lils your guy is parking his beloved Jeep" KJ said.
" wait did he get us here because of you" Charles said.
" shut up guys, he didn't even know I was coming here." I said chuckling.
" oh" they both said in unison.

Then Cole also walked through the door, looking sexy as ever. His black hair messy, wearing his white tang top and black jogger's.

He was looking through the café and saw all of us.

" heyyy guys - hey" he said and was staring at us.
" wait a minute, was this a set up" he said looking confused.
" no it wasn't" Mads said laughing.
" yeah we came in and saw them" Charles said.
" Aagh, Mads was the one who was going to kill you" he said and wrapped his hands around my shoulders still standing.
" Lils, our date is still pending" she said making me laugh.
" what do you mean date? She's my girlfriend, not yours" Cole said making me laugh.
" she's my girlfriend also" Mads said and held my hands.
" you can't have a boyfriend and a girlfriend" Cole said making all of us laugh.
" I can and I have" Mads said
" Right Lili?".
" yeah" I said laughing.
" what yeah, you are my girlfriend!" Cole said in his possessive tone.
" guys she's my girlfriend. Over." Charles said and I started laughing even more.
" hey you stay away, I'll call Cami and she's only mine." Cole said and squished me towards him even more.
" little too much in demand aren't you" he said to me.
" oh yeah? Let me bring some teenage girls over here and then we'll see who's in demand" I said chuckling.
" I mean I am hot" he said.
" yeah you are, but sadly this hottie Cole Sprouse is mine" I said.
" too cheesy" KJ said and we all laughed again.
" guys enough with mine- mine. We get it that you two are reserved for life." Charles said.
" well true that" Mads said.
" but still she's mine and Camis girlfriend also" Mads said shrugging her shoulders.
" hey don't bring Cami in this" Charles said pointing towards Mads and in his possessive tone making all of us laugh.
" yeah we'll see Mads who's girlfriend is who" Cole said.
" wha-" Mads said was about to say.
" guys I would need you to keep the volume down" the waiter said.
" we're sorry" I said.
" No- No, this is too fun, Lili you have to finish this, whose girlfriend are you?" KJ said and Cole put his hand on my thigh, and moved his hand up and down.
I crossed my legs to stop his hands from moving.
" umm, I am-" I was about to say but then I saw the waiter was staring at me and we made eye contact. He smirked.

Okay, this is not comfortable.

I removed Cole's hand from my thighs, and intertwined it with mine.
I only do that when I'm nervous.

" are you okay?" He whispered in my ear.
" guys over, I'm Cole's girlfriend." I said on a serious note and saw that the waiter was still starring at me.
" I'm hurt Lils" Mads said in a mocking tone.
" Told ya, she's his girl" Charles said.

" you seem to be anxious suddenly" he whispered in my ear again, gaining no attention from anyone.
" it's just that, that guy is staring and smirking at me" I said and held his hand tighter and the waiter came and walked over to our table again.
Cole immediately kissed me, making the waiter go away.
" Hey hey PDA much" KJ said.
" sorry guys it's just that, that waiter was staring at me and it made me uncomfortable" I said.
" oh" they all said and looked at him. He went away.
" now who's in demand" Charles said and I hit his arm.

After our lunch was over Cole and I decided to walk the streets and I held his hand tightly in mine.

" how's your neck?" I asked him cupping his neck with my hands.
" it's okay" he said.
" I'm sorry" I said.
" No, No it's fine" he said and kissed me.
" so where do you want to go?" I asked him.
" your place?" He asked.
" okay" I said and we drove till my place in his jeep.

" ohh Lils" he said plonking himself on the L shaped couch, as soon as we reached.
" ohh Cole" I said mocking him.
" I'm tired" he said as he pulled on the throw blanket over him.
I walked over to him and sat down. He immediately got on my lap and pulled me below him.
He rested his head on my shoulder and all of his body weight was over me.
I tangled my hands in his hair and massaged it.
He's really cute when he's the small spoon. He hugged my waist tightly.

" hey before I fall asleep, please don't wake me up tomorrow again, it's Sunday" He said.
" I won't" I said chuckling and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

I was never going to let him go ever.

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