Girlfriends Brother

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Guys Lili has a brother in this oneshot whose name is Jon and is 4 years elder to Lili.

Lili PoV

It was 9PM and I was plonked on Cole's couch.

He was talking to Dylan and I was bored to death almost.
First, he was playing his video games, I am also pretty good at them, but just didn't feel like playing them today.

And now it's almost night and I've nothing to do at my boyfriend's apartment.

He came back and hugged me from behind.

" you are bored aren't you" he said
" well yeah, I am" I said sighing.
He hoped on the couch from behind.
" we'll do anything you want to do" he said wrapping his arms around my shoulder.
" I don't know what to do" I said whining "I've been like this since morning and it's the only reason I came over."
"You are so mean" he said and folded his arms.
" I am not mean, I came over and you didn't even give me
attention " I said and folded my arms also.
" even?" He said.
" even" I replied chuckling and pecked him on his lips.
I stood up and pulled him with me as I had got an idea.

" what's up" he said giggling.
" let's go to target!!" I said.
" target it is then" he said and put on his shoes and coat.
I put on his hoodie and my snickers.

We drove till target jamming on music.

We got inside Target and took the trolley.

After a little roaming around in the food section, I hoped in the trolley.

" oh my god" Cole said and pecked my cheeks.
He dragged the trolley around and everyone was staring at us, but we didn't give a shit.

We were in the chips section and were looking at all the nachos.
He kept on dragging the trolley without looking in the front and we accidentally bumped into someone.

" we are so sorry" Cole said and we looked in the front, it was none other than the great Jon Reinhart.
" Oh hi Jon" Cole said and left the trolley, shook his hand.
I tried to get up, but it ended up being pushed backwards.
Cole quickly held the trolley, saving me from falling.
" I'll hold the trolley you get her out" Jon said and Cole nodded.
Once I got out with the help of the two of them I said " thank you" and Cole smiled at me.
" when will you grow up Lili?" Jon said.
" haha never" Cole said mockingly.
" keep your sarcasm to yourself" I whispered in his ear and he cleared his throat.
" so Cole Jon, Jon Cole" I introduced the two of them.
" is he your boyfriend Lili?" Jon said.
" yeah" I replied instantly.
" does anyone know at home" he asked.
" everyone except you" I said.
" why do I not know" Jon said.
" because we never talk, even though we live in the same city" I said getting annoyed now.
" we never talk because you are always busy!" Jon said.
" so what do you do Jon" Cole said changing the topic.
" I work for the Central Bank" he said.
" what are you two doing here this late anyway" Jon asked.
" we are buying food" I said picking out more popcorn flavours.
" Lili had nothing to do back at home, so we came here" Cole said.
" So Lils when's Cole meeting everyone" Jon said.
" did you not know? Cole is coming over for Thanksgiving" I said.
" No offence Cole, but getting your boyfriend home on a festival, are you sure is the best idea" Jon said.
" everyone, including Addy already loves him, we talk to them on the phone almost everyday" I said and Cole shot a smile at me.
" we should meet sometime!" Cole said to Jon.
" I am not sure my little sister would be up for it" Jon said.
" Oh she has been dying to meet you" Cole said.
" i have not" I said.
" you and I both know that's not true" Jon said to Cole and they both chuckled.
" why do you loathe each other so much?" Cole asked.
" we used to share a bedroom" Jon said.
" that explains it all" Cole said laughing.
" she's a crazy lady when it come's to sharing her space" Cole said chuckling.
" I couldn't agree more" Jon said laughing and they both high fived.
" okay enough bonding" I said.
" I actually really like this guy Lili"Jon said.
" I honestly feel my whole family likes you more than me" I said and nudged Cole.
" I don't know about others, but I damn well do" Jon said and they both again chuckled.
" don't you have to go Jon" I said.
" oh yeah, I'll be late." Jon said.
" let's exchange numbers and we'll meet up someday" Cole said.
" yeah that's a great idea" Jon said.
" hello? I am right here and I have both of your numbers" I said and they ignored me.
To be honest, I was happy that my brother and boyfriend had bonded.
Jon has never really liked any of my boyfriends, but with Cole they both clicked together in 5 minutes.

Cole PoV

It felt good bonding with Lili's brother a little bit. At first I was so scared, but he's actually not that bad and we can be really good friends.
I feel like it's progress in mine and Lili's relationship.

We went back to my apartment and Lili straight away ran to the bed.
" I thought we were going to have a mukbang" I said laughing and hoping on the bed with her.
" neh, I am really tired after riding that trolley" Lili said and a slight chuckle escaped my lips.
She removed my hoodie and sweat pants.
She was just in her T-shirt and underwear.
I also removed my sweat pants.
" you want to sleep?" I asked her.
" No" she said making me laugh.
" so then?" I asked her.
" are you serious about meeting with my brother" she asked.
" yeah of course " I replied.
" he can be a bit tough" she said and snuggled me.
" well he's your brother" I said and she hit me on my arm.
" so I am tough?" She said.
" no, you are not tough, you are just a little high maintenance" I said and looked at her.
" I am high maintenance" she repeated me.
" kind of" I replied and she got out of my grasp.
" but I like maintaining you" I said and leaned down at her.
" you like maintaining me?" She said in a soft voice.
" I love it" I said and kissed her.
I was on top of her and my legs were straddling her torso.
She turned us and she was on top now.
She put all her body weight on me and we were still kissing, our tongues battling for dominance.
After a while, she pulled away and rested her forehead on my shoulders, all of her body on top of me.
I slid my hands inside her T-shirt and rubbed her back.
" good night love" I said and kissed her forehead.
" I love you" She said and kissed my neck.
" I love you too" I said and intertwined my hands with her hair.
She fell asleep on me and snored lightly making me chuckle.
I also fell asleep.

Thanks for reading ❤️
No proofread 😉

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