Snowy Morning

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A/N: I know that this is also a family oneshot. Idk I love writing these. So Cole and Lili have two kids Lee, 5 years old and Mike, 7 years old.

3rd PoV

It was the holiday season. Everyone was on a break, the schools were shut and Cole and Lili had a break from acting.
It was a snowy morning and the whole house was sleeping peacefully until the kids saw that is was snowing.
Lili and Cole were all cuddled up in bed (see the photo above) peacefully sleeping.
" Oh my god, look it's snowing" Lee said running to Mike in his room. " we should wake up mommy and daddy up" Mike said all cheered.
" totally" Lee said and they both ran to Cole and Lili's bedroom.
" Mommy , Daddy wake up, it's snowing" Mike and Lee said in unison while hopping on top of Cole's stomach.
" Morning Kids" Cole said with a huge grin on his face. And holding the both of them with his spare hands.
" Morningggggg" Lee and Mike  chorused in unison.
Cole looked at Lili and she was still asleep, he wondered how did she manage to sleep with so much hoping around and noise.
Her face was hiding in Cole's neck.
" Daddy can you wake mommy up?" Mike asked Cole and he nodded. He didn't enjoy disturbing his wife, but he had no choice.
" Lils wake up, it's snowing" he slowly said in her ear, giving her cheek a long kiss.
She opened her eyes and a huge smile surrounded her face.
" Morning guys" she said, pulling herself closer to Cole's chest even more.
" Morning mum" Lee and Mike said.
" Morning Lils" Cole said.  He really wanted to kiss her right now, but he couldn't, he knew Lee and Mike would start doing 'eww' ' ewwww'. He chuckled at the thought.
" what is it" Lili asked Cole.
" nothing" he replied still chuckling.
" Can we please wake up and go and play in the snow" Lee said.
" it's snowing?" Lili asked.
And everyone nodded their heads.
" Cole you are literally buried under 3 people, Lee and Mike on top of you and I am tucked under your arms " Lili said to Cole, resting her chin on his shoulder and looking up at him.
" Correction: I am buried under 3 very very cute people whom I love more than anything." Cole said.
Lili pecked his lips quickly, sitting up on the bed and pulling Lee on her lap.
Cole also sat up, with Mike in his lap.
" so what do you guys wanna do?" Lili asked the kids.
" mom isn't it obvious" Lee said looking at Lili.
" Mom it's literally snowing outside and your asking us what we want to do" Mike said.
" Yeah Mom isn't it obvious that we want a snow fight." Cole said in a mocking tone.
" ok ok I get it" Lili said laughing
But first we'll all get warm and then go and fight. Got it?"
" Yes maam" they all said in unison and Lili started laughing again.
Lili tucked the kids in their warm jackets, put gloves on their tiny hands, wrapped a muffler around their necks and put a cute warm beanie on their heads and put on their snow boots.
They all got outside and saw Cole had poured cereal for the kids and had made a tea for Lili and a coffee for himself.
" thank you" Lili said walking up to him and placing a kiss on his cheeks.
" Daddy how are you shirtless and we are literally all tucked in." Mike said.
" I'll also go and put warm clothes so that I don't get sick" Cole said walking inside and Lili following him.
" me too" Lili said.
They walked inside their bedroom and Cole immediately pulled her in for a long kiss.
" I've been waiting to do that" Cole said breathing on her lips and his head rested on her forehead.
She gave him a soft kiss, and he tightened the grip around her torso.
" come on let's get ready" Lili said.

" Lets gooo" Lili said also chirpy. They went to their giant backyard, which was completely covered in snow.
" me and mom are a team and Lee and dad are a team. Let's have a snow fightttt" Mike instructed.
" it's warrr time" Lee said.
Cole and Lili were chuckling looking at their kids.
" Daddy we have to win" Lee said to Cole.
" you defeat Mike and I can very easily defeat your mom" Cole said smirking.
" we heard that" Lili said to Cole while throwing a large snowball on him.
" your up for a war Lils" Cole said throwing a snowball on her.
And they both were fighting, throwing snowballs on each other.
Lee and Mike also has entered each other's territory and were fighting.
Cole decided to hide behind a tree as Lili had bent down to make a snow ball.
When Lili looked up she saw Cole was missing.
She decided to look around and had found him. She quickly made a snowball and threw it at him.
" you can't hide from me" Lili said smirking and Cole pulled her on top of him.
" what are you doing, I'll fall" Lili said giggling.
" I won't ever let that happen" Cole replies in an extremely husky yet romantic voice.
He tucked a pair of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek.
" I love you" Cole said.
" I love you too" Lili said kissing him, it was a soft kiss and Cole pulled away.

Soon the kids came running and threw a snowball at Lili. Their target was Cole, but both of the snowballs ended up hitting Lili.
Lili jumped, loosening her balance and falling on Cole again. But he didn't let her, obviously.
" heyyy not fair Mike" Lili said looking at her team mate.
Cole immediately threw snowballs at the both of them carefully.
And the fight begun again, but now Cole and Lili were teamed up and Lee and Mike.

" Let's go I'm tired." Lili said falling on the ground laughing.
Cole also fell on her.
" me too" he said sitting almost on top of her in the snow.
" yeah let's go bake" Lee said sitting on Cole's lap and Mike followed.
" are you guys planning on killing me" Lili said laughing.
" we would never" Cole said mockingly, starting to tickle her, followed by Lee and Mike.

" I'm feeling cold" Lee said.
" come on let's get you inside." Cole said standing up and picking her up. He let out a hand for Lili to hold, who picked up Mike bridal style.
They both threw the kids on the couch with blankets.
" Cole can you please help them remove their Jackets , gloves , mufflers and Caps" Lili said to Cole.
" yeah sure" he said.

Lili was baking in the kitchen and Cole was sitting on the couch with their kids he saw Lili and decide to go to her.
He hugged her from behind.
" any help?" He asked her, resting his head on her shoulder.
" can you beat the eggs" Lili said.
" sure" he replied.

Once the cookies were made, the whole family decided to decorate them together.

It was night and everyone was cuddled up on the couch. Cole's hands around Lili's waist and Lili's head resting on his shoulder.
Mike who was sitting on Lili's lap was clinging onto Cole's chest. And Lee on Cole's lap her head rested on his shoulder.
They were all watching Finding Nemo.
Cole realised that both of their kids had fallen asleep.
" Mike and Lee are asleep" Cole said whispering to Lili.
" let's get them in their beds" Lili said lifting her head up.
Lili carried Mike to his room and Cole carried Lee to her room.

They both were snuggled up in their bed. Lili's neck resting in his neck and both of Cole's arms wrapped around her body.
" thanks Lils" Cole says pecking her forehead.
" huh?" Lili replies looking up at him.
" thanks for asking me out on a date, for saying yes when I asked you to be my girlfriend, for all the times you've been their for me, for supporting me, for loving me, for saying yes to move in with me, for always making me soup when I'm sick, for scolding me whenever I'm wrong, for always pushing me in the right direction, for saying yes to Marry me, for saying I do and for getting Lee and Mike in our lives. I love you so much." Cole says and Lili had tears in her eyes, she knew he loved her like anything, but she realised today how much he cherishes her.
" thanks Cole Mitchell Sprouse for saying yes to go out on a date with me, for asking me to be yours, for not hating me for the depression and anxiety I have, for making me food at 3AM, for loving me more and more each day, for loving me on my bad days, for getting me flowers, for asking me to marry you, for this little family that we have made, for everything Cole Sprouse" Lili says pulling him in for a long kiss, they both could feel each other smile.
" I love you too" Lili says and snuggled even closer to him.

Thanks for reading so much :)))). It'd be great if you could drop in some suggestions for me to write.
~ Ishita X

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